I'm just surprised at all the complaining I've seen on various sites. A lot of people complain that CoD doesn't change, but when they do change they still complain.
Every cod has been very different in online gameplay each cod plays different because the guns maps and perks change and even if they aren't changing the game engine these small changes make big differences to how you play and how the game feels.
MW3 would be great if they made better maps and spawn points, honestly that was their big mistake in MW3 other than that yeah the guns and features are good but the maps, awful for the most part
Every cod has been very different in online gameplay each cod plays different because the guns maps and perks change and even if they aren't changing the game engine these small changes make big differences to how you play and how the game feels.
I was mainly referring to the time setting. WaW and Black Ops are around 40s-60s and the MWs are modern. The futuristic time of BO2 isn't being received well.
I'd also like to mention that the perks haven't changed that much, they take two or three out and replace those then rename most of the current perks. I'd like to see more thought put into the perks. Instead of the current idea that there's a base perk and you get the pro ability with challenges I'd like there to be two or three different pro versions and you can choose one of those.
Every cod has been very different in online gameplay each cod plays different because the guns maps and perks change and even if they aren't changing the game engine these small changes make big differences to how you play and how the game feels.
You are very right. I really do get tired of all these complainers. The game is very different every time a new CoD comes out even though the basic gameplay is the same. Now what do you all think about zombies in BO2? It has been confirmed that they will be in BO2 and i would like to know what you all think about it.
Every cod has been very different in online gameplay each cod plays different because the guns maps and perks change and even if they aren't changing the game engine these small changes make big differences to how you play and how the game feels.
You are very right good sir. Every game is very different even though the basic gameplay is almost the same. -Drag0
I absoutely hated black ops and world at war. mw1 was were it was at. mw3 is about an 8. I hate black ops but 2 looks f****** awesome. Why is woods still alive he went boom? Zombies is going to be epic. Year 2025? why thats two early. Another WW2 game would be nice
I haven't played the campaign in a while, so I don't remember everything exactly, but didn't Woods take out that guy who had grenades all around him through the window (thinking Dragovich maybe)? Well, didn't that same guy appear in the campaign later? It could've been all in Mason's imagination.
They'll also probably explain what happened during that time period in BO2. They wouldn't have Woods there for nothing.
no u play as sandman from mw3. o wait they kill literally everyone on the game. Why the **** would some1 want to bang mason. that child must be fubar. he looks more like makorv than mason but does resemble mason? Gay intercourse maybe. But woods hes dead and gone BO2 is already lies. what next dinosaurs in zombies. Confirmed?