Played zombies on CoD: Black Ops for a few hours yesterday; y u people no open doors?! It's like they only care for the points rather than trying to last longer. Also, most people whom I've played with don't even revive their teammates. Seems like I'm the only one trying to play as a team by helping others and opening doors.
y u people no open doors?! It's like they only care for the points rather than trying to last longer
It's true. I hate most Zombies players, they are so selfish. Not to mention that they spend almost all of their money tying to get lucky with the mystery box. Wtf. You can survive perfectly well with wall guns until round 20.
Also, most people whom I've played with don't even revive their teammates.
Well, if I know I'm going to die in the attempt of reviving someone, I don't even try getting them up. It's futile. Also, if someone is halfway across the map, doing their own thing, I don't get them. First of all because I know I'm going to die, and second of all that's their fault. They should have been with the team.
Yep, I just got done playing some more of it and all they did was kept doing the mystery box. I opened most of the doors, I mean, how do you expect to survive all those rounds with that little space? The zombies sure do get faster, take more damage, and there are more of them.
Well, if I know I'm going to die in the attempt of reviving someone, I don't even try getting them up. It's futile. Also, if someone is halfway across the map, doing their own thing, I don't get them. First of all because I know I'm going to die, and second of all that's their fault. They should have been with the team.
Yeah, but when I was playing there weren't many zombies around, most of them had died, but my teammates still didn't help me even though they were close to me. That's what irritates me; I open doors, revive them, and even take care of most of the zombies but they can't help me once.
It's true. I hate most Zombies players, they are so selfish. Not to mention that they spend almost all of their money tying to get lucky with the mystery box. Wtf. You can survive perfectly well with wall guns until round 20.
I agree that people are selfish because I almost always open up first because if you get equipped earlier on it will be easier to survive.
Maybe armor games zombie group/clan?
But I don't agree that you can survive with wall weapons up to round 20 because that is impossible without you run trains that take stupid amounts of time to kill off with wall weapons. I think that you can get to round 10-15 depending on the map with wall weapons but after that you need guns from the box. Because IMO the only decent wall weapon is AK74u and getting ammo for it can be a pain.
Everygame im in every1 opens 1 door because i refuse to open more so i sittig with 6000 points. i dont do crap if we find the box and i use it once and ppl use it like 20. thats wen ultimently i screw around
I actually don't play zombies at all. The reason: I just suck at it. YES I tried practicing, played with some friends, but even that doesn't make it interesting for me. When you really want to go for the highest round possible (for yourself), it just gets so boring very fast. The story line though...I love it, bravo!
Just wondering, what's the longest you've guys lasted on zombies? The longest I've lasted was 21 rounds. There were two other good people on my team and one beginner, but we did good. I had the Zeus Cannon and a machine gun, while the other two had Ray Guns and machine guns, and the beginner just had two machine guns. We could've lasted to about round 30-35, but my route got messed up. Two other people were done at this time, one of the good guys and the beginner. The one person lasting lasted for a little bit before falling, he fell due to him trying to save someone.
The longest i've made it to was round 48 on Ascension. To make it far to have to play with only you and a friend, cuz 4 player never works out. And its sometimes better to run then revive.
so what ur sayin is an rpg (rocket propelled grenade is a noob tube.
It launches a grenade so by my terms, it is sort of :P
Which one? ^^
This one:
Agreed with the firs one, but Noob Tubes and Claymores are here to stay. Unfortunately. I actually prefer the Claymores, because they're good backup for covering your tracks as a sniper, and it's not like they're invisible. Even without Bomb Squad (CoD4), SitRep (MW2) or Hacker (BO), you can at least see the red laser poking around a corner, which gives away a position, AND you get points for blowing them up. Noob Tubes can burn and die. There's no legitimately good counter for a jerk using a tube at 200 yards.
It also gives away your position, and you don't get points on CoD4. That is very poor placement if you can actually see the lazers, generally you can die before turning corners on CoD4 even if you saw it coming.
Extremely poor placement. I still support claymores being put in the game though, when I know where a common claymore planting spot is, I throw a flashbang/stun grenade to stop the claymore. (Or if I see a sniper somewhere and I go to flank them).
Would you care to explain what war games do NOT involve tanks and helicopters?
Medievel based games such as Rome Total War, or the first series of Age of Empires (:P)
This. Just because it takes a secondary instead of taking an attachment doesn't mean it does not classify as a Pro Pipe.
Extremely poor placement. I still support claymores being put in the game though, when I know where a common claymore planting spot is, I throw a flashbang/stun grenade to stop the claymore. (Or if I see a sniper somewhere and I go to flank them).
I totally agree nuke town is the easisest place to flank.
Honestly do u ever try to snipe and theres that one jerk that thinks he better and stands in front of you but yo get the kill and hes mowed down within 3 secs
Just wondering, what's the longest you've guys lasted on zombies?
My highest it Round 35 on Solo. I could have gone for much longer, but I got really bored.
We could've lasted to about round 30-35, but my route got messed up
A lot of times, if I get into a high round with other players, I usually go off somewhere by myself. Therefore, people won't do something stupid and get me killed.
Everygame im in every1 opens 1 door because i refuse to open more so i sittig with 6000 points. i dont do crap if we find the box and i use it once and ppl use it like 20. thats wen ultimently i screw around
You, sir, are the type of people we're talking about. If you have 6000 points, but it to good use and open doors. Don't just let all of that money rot away.
The one person lasting lasted for a little bit before falling, he fell due to him trying to save someone.
Yup, that's exactly why I never revive people in higher rounds unless they are very close to me. I would certainly like to revive them, but the zombies spawn rate is way too fast.
Zeus Cannon and a machine gun
Zeus Cannon is the bomb. My ideal gun setup, however, is the Ray Gun (PaP'D) with RPK or HK.
If you have 6000 points, but it to good use and open doors. Don't just let all of that money rot away.
^ This.
I was in a match earlier on Kino and everyone had about 4k-5k points each, none of them opened doors. I opened the first two to get the machine gun, then they just stayed in one spot killing zombies and raking up money. We only lasted eleven rounds because of that; there's not much room to move around. Instead of opening the next two doors they just run around the little complex trying to survive, but they all fell due to the swarm getting to them. I would've opened the next two doors, but I had spent my money on ammunition.
Also, I dislike people that open the curtain early on in Kino. I mean, we're on round nine or ten and they opened the curtain thing so more zombies would come. I usually open it by round twelve or thirteen to get the Juggernog and possibly update a weapon of mine so I can survive. But opening it in the early rounds is useless because you won't have enough money for the Juggernog nor upgrading a weapon, so then most of them fall down.
Zeus Cannon is the bomb. My ideal gun setup, however, is the Ray Gun (PaP'D) with RPK or HK.
My dial weapons are the Zeus Cannon and the machine gun with 100-125 bullets in each magazine, I think that's the RPK. Once I get my route setup with those weapons I can last a while.