No you don't it isn't true, the graphics are the same for cod on both systems, because it's cheaper to give them both the 360 quality graphics as opposed to giving the PS3 better graphics since it can handle it.
This is great, I mostly have ideas for zombies mode but i will post anyway!!
maps: I think the zombies maps should be enormously bigger and have bigger areas between doors that you have to open, leaving huge unexplored areas to search. I also think their should be vehicles that you could get in and drive, but you wouldn't be like invincible, some times if you drive near zombies the will jump and grab on to the car and try to break in through the windows and get into the car to inflict small damage on you. Some vehicles could have mounted guns on them so you could drive and gun. Another cool thing you could do if your in the passenger seat is look out the window and fire your rifle at the zombies while your driving.
Second: something I dont find at all is good camping spots in zombies, even though i get not having good camping spots to make it harder their still should be really good ones because eventually there will be so many zombies you'll get overrun. One of the super cool things i think they should add in zombies is building tools. Your character has building tools and can slowly build blocks of wood or metal or other resources you mine ext. and be able to make your own base with turrets or ladders or elevators exc. to make amazing structures throughout the map. You could upgrade the tools so you could make different things and build things faster. But to make so that your not godly in your own building, zombies could climb the sides of buildings and climb onto blocks, and if you completely block yourself all around in a small box they will wait outside until you come out. Knowing that i guess you could make a little safe house and rest for a while.
Third: The last thing I think they should do is add armories that you could access and upgrade your guns power, accuracy, range, ect. with the amories you could also purchase guns and attachments.
Well this is what I think they should add to zombies, or make a completely separate game for this much stuff, Thanks for reading!
it would be great if they brought mg42s and had a browning 50 cal. with a PaP u can make the stationary and have infinite ammo but really hard to move and place
Woot! I made it to round 35 on Kino yesterday with a friend. It kind of got repetitive at around round 28, so I wasn't really trying around there. But I had the upgraded Ray Gun and Zeus Cannon, while my friend had the RPK (or the other gun with 100+ rounds) and the upgraded Ray Gun. We could've probably got to round 38-42, but we were getting kind of bored.