I use sniper in online just for fun. I really suck at playing sniper. I am still at my 3rd prestige because this game wasn't that good then the other cod games I know so yeah.
^ It is not the end of the world though! Today I went 14-1 with the Mp5k on SnD. The starter weapons are totally usable and if used correctly are devastating.(mp5k/m16)
Do you know that hardscoping is the REAL sniping. In real if there is a enemy 10 km of u you are nit going to quick scope. You never do because it is fake and noob. I was ashamed of myself every time I did it.
I snipe on about 75% of the maps, though I'm trying to use other weapons to become a more balanced player. Just got 1000 Headshots for the Barret .50 early in my fifth prestige (I'd been using the Intervention before), so I've been messing around with the EBR now.
Heres my clase (I play hardcore headquarters, hence the silencer)
Primary: M21 EBR w/ Silencer and Extended Magazines (With Blue Tiger Camo) Secondary: TMP w/ Silencer and Extended Magazines
Equipment: Claymore Special: Stun Grenades
Perk 1: Bling PRO Perk 2: Cold Blooded PRO Perk 3: Commando PRO
Kill Streaks (Going after the Prestige Challenges, and I've already gotten the Predator and Harrier ones)
I've already gotten the Predator challenge, but I ussualy get two kills with it, so thats easier to do. Gotta watch out for friendly fire with the Airstrike though, so I ussualy use it when I'm the last guy left on my team when we have the headquarters, so I have no one to worry about.
Favorite map is Derail, for obvious reasons. Great sniping on that one. Followed by Wasteland, then Afghan.
On the topic of quick scoping: You can watch peoples cam on your team when you die and your team holds the headquarters, and I've noticed that alot of the people who quickscope aren't very good at it.
Played Derail last night, and I went 81-7-22. Not too bad. Used the Predator/Harrier/Chopper Gunner on Afghan: Domination, and went 120-10 I think, or around that. Personal best on any map.
...what?? Hard-scoping long-range is not easy. I don't use a full scope usually because it's so tough to take a good shot. And xNightwish is right...that's what a sniper is SUPPOSED to do. As of now, snipers gun-rush and take no-scope kills because it's a one-shot kill. A professional in-game sniper stays back and stays alive. He shouldn't get the most kills in a game. He's just there to take out the weaker, blitz-style players of the corner campers, who are the real noobs, thank you.
This is true if your a *****. (no offense). On array in a game of domination 20 kills plus kills 4 deaths. i sit in the most obvious place and anyone who attempts to try to take position B form Position C is getting a bullet between the eyes or between the legs. The idea to provide support like this is to give the target you are shooting at lead. If u use a normal scope use the lines if u sit in the tower on array you want to use the first dash for runners. that means put their chest oor waist on the first dash and fire guarenteed a kill. Walkers or standers shoot normal. Search your surrounding if it looks like a gun is pointed at you they are now youre high value targets occasionaly check your side for counter snipers or just have 2 allies to do that. Best class for this Primary: L96A1 Attachments:extended mag Secondary: Python Attachments:dual weild Equipment:claymore (a must) Normal Frags Flashbangs Ghost or Ghost Pro Scout or Scout Pro I like Hacker but you choose
Black Ops in my opinion is the worst of the CoD series. I think that Cod 4, MW2, or World at War was the best. Black Ops just didn't meet my expectations. The only reason I sometimes play it is to snipe because it is more exciting. The majority of the people that play Black Ops use assault rifles. Especially the FAMAS. Modern Warfare 3 to me looks like it will be the same as MW2 but with new perks, weapons, killstreaks, and a few changes that they made.
Ghost or Ghost Pro Scout or Scout Pro I like Hacker but you choose
This is my guide to long range snping
Here is my class for sniping long range:
Primary: L96A1 Attachment: Variable Scope (For adjusting the zoom of the scope) Secondary: CZ75 Attachment: Akimbo/Dual Wield (You can change to these pistols a lot faster than any other)
Lethal: (Doesn't matter) Tactical: Stuns (To slow the enemy to make them easier to shoot) Equipment: Claymore (For anyone that comes from behind)
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro(For more ammo) or Ghost/Ghost Pro (To not show up on the radar) Perk 2: Sleight of Hand (To reload faster) Perk 3: (Doesn't matter)