I hate dead mans hand. I was like three away from a Moab and what happens? Dead mans hand. It really pisses me off. I finished the game at like 47 and 15.... Pretty good
I think dead man's hand is a bit overpowered. I was at a good distance away from someone about to do it then I died... when a normal c4 wouldn't kill me at that distance.
I might try to use the Barrett soon
It's an okay sniper for the first one, but I like using the MSR more. Though that was just for a few hours, I don't really like quick scoping that much, no matter how easy it is.
Nothing else except for the MP9
I ranked that all the way up earlier today, it's a great machine pistol. Works as a submachine gun well. It's definitely great if you run out of ammo on your primary, and the FMG9s and any other akimbo weapon run out of ammo too quickly, so I just put a silencer or extended mags on the MP9.
I was like three away from a Moab and what happens?
I think I may be able to get one if I set up a party, because I met a great player this morning and added him. We dominated every match we were in and went 30-50/2-4.
Oh, and the striker is really fun on small maps like mission and carbon, where people will be in certain closed quarter parts of the maps and you can just spray easily. But I heard they were going to take out extended mags and possibly damage off of them, I don't see why. It's not like shotguns can kill you easily at medium-long range. They are supposed to be deadly close range.
Are you talking about new noobs, or players that just suck so you are calling them noobs. DMH is a deathstreak that is unlocked pretty late in the rankings...
My definition of a "noob" is someone who camps or tries to flank me but usually fails at it. And also people who use the akimbo FMG9's. @Ghost, I know, it's beast. I bet the akimbo for it is gonna be the next FMG9's. About Dead Man's Hand... I tried to throw C4 on one of the DMH users and we both killed ourselves in the explosion. I tested Hollow Points out today. It SUCKS. It barely gives you any extra damage. Martyrdom is a lot better.
I don't like the deathstreaks at all. I just don't see a good point in them. Sure the terrible people will be able to get you with them occasionally, but if they can't get you the normal way then they should just get better at the game. I've left juiced on all my classes, and I don't often die that much to even get it.
I hope that they'll add to the "Community playlist"
- Infected - team juggernaut - Scopes (Obviously a snipers only match with classes already made and no killstreaks but idk about that its just an idea)
Yeah, doing that to the shotguns is crazy. Shotguns are supposed to be very powerful close range, so doing that will make them useless.
You didn't hear? They already nerfed the FMG9s, they supposedly did it a week or two ago. But you don't see a difference, they probably only edited them slightly so they can say they fixed them.
I agree on taking the deathstreaks out. I also think that the support class should be like the others. Giving stealth bombers and EMPs to people who can die however many times they want and still get it doesn't sound very fair.
Dude, they can't nerf everything. I think that stealth bomber belongs in the assault and the care package belongs in the support. Emps last 40 seconds I think, so it's not a minuet. They should not take the damage from the shot guns and stuff, that's just stupid.
I only really use them when my primary has low ammo/out of ammo or if I'm in a closed space, like houses on Fallen. Usually when I'm running through those there will be two-four guys in one, and my primary won't take them all out (unless it's the MP7 or any other submachine gun). So the FMG9s are at least useful for that, but I don't run around with them all game.
About the pave low, does it have flares when people shoot at it or not? I have it on my assault package, but I never really payed attention to that detail. If not, then I think they should add them. For having to get 11/12 kills I think it deserves them. Or at least make it harder to take down, say three rockets, since the reaper and AC130 have two flares.
I'll have to test it later. I remember taking one down yesterday with just one, but that might've been because someone else was shooting at it before. Not sure.
It's got flare and it take like 2 or 3 hits. So you shoot it a total of 3 or 4 times. I like the osprey is too high, I think it should be the same as the jugernaut.... It's alright but it's not that good...
And when it's finally over they call another one in, so that makes 2 minutes. Me running the assault package, it annoys the heck out of me. I just got my pavelow. 2 seconds later. "Enemy EMP, electronics are down!" FFFFFUUUUUU-
If they use the EMP like I do, then they hold onto it until an enemy killstreak is in the air. Theres no point in calling it in otherwise.
The throwing knifes are basically worthless unless they and you are standing still! In Black Ops, you could easily go around tomahawking. Now you can't get bank shots kills either, which I hate, since I had over 100 bank shots on BO. And about that EMP... use on a strafe run and you get over 2000 points!
mavrick, its best to call it in when their is a strafe run. it blows up all the choppers. in the 40 seconds of the emp, 30 of them still had the ____ destroyed helicopter thing up. it was great and i leveled up. and yeah chives, i dont use lmgs. im a smg guy so no gold for me
Tazers would probaly just get me mad to be honest. Hah. Those are the kind of things that get people to make parties of 6 and just taze the hell out of people -.-