oh yeah, i have heard all sorts of crazy stupid names for it.... some r too nasty and i dont wana get banned :P Mother Of All Bombs Massive Ordinanace Air Blast Massive Ordinanace Air Bomb My Own Air Bomb all sorts of stuff... it doesnt really matter
What gets me though is the amount of people who misprenounce it. Its MO-AB. Like MOE, and the muscle. Its two syllabuls, not one.
Who cares about saying it properly? I've said it both ways while knowing which one is right. There's just no point in saying both syllables if it gets the same point across either way :P
hye guys i know this probably will never happen but humor me and tell me if its a good idea k? alright i have a great i dea for a map for a dlc for mw3. name: education size: large sort story: it is a U.S school in the north east that has been evacuated of everyone because of the attacking Russians. Their is nothing wrong with the school, but some of the doors are locked. teams: Spetsnaz v. Delta map description: it is a large sized map with a building that has two stories and you are alowed to get on the roof via fire escapes and a ladder inside. it also has a football/soccer field. combat type: close coarters(inside, hallways, class rooms, roof) and long range sniping(fields and roof areas)
Hey just wondering is the extended mags glitch for shotguns patched on ps3? I'm wondering whether I should swith back to grip on my ksg, usas and striker.
They should make an attchment called extended pellets and have it unlocked at level 31. That would make the grind worth the time.
Also KSG > Striker
The striker is obviously better but its so much un with the ksg.