sorry the rules are you are the leader of the humans you just have basic tecnology like guns and a base the health is the health of the base. if you lose all your health the base falls your current base is stone in the info i forgot to put down materials here is what you have materials: 50 by posting you chose what you do when i put a threat down you have to use all the stratagy you can post to try and stop it from happening when i put an amount of posts next to it i mean how many of my update posts it will take to happen when you post things to do on my next update post i will tell the results of the action you can post as many actions as you want but be careful you may cause an disadvantage all clear this does not count as an update post an update post is like the first post please have fun.
sorry i forgot to say if you lose all your people you die the goal is to survive every update there is a good activity that will pay out good try and get it also this threat we have as a prize 5 millon reinforcements and laser technology