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Survive Zombies RPG
Your basic zombie survival RPG.

Character Sheet
Level 1
Experience: 0/15
Health: Excellent, No Injuries
Energy: Excellent, Full of Energy
Hunger: Good, Well Fed
Thirst: Good, Hydrated
Mind: Good, Acting Normal
Weapon: (See below)
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Melee: (See below)
Explosives: N/A
Special Weapons: N/A
Perks: (See below)
Inventory: Journal, Comic Book
Allies: N/A
Pets: N/A
Current Bases: 1
Shelter Size: 1/10
Health: 50/50
Defenses: Wooden Fence
Furniture: Wooden Chair, Wooden Table, Old Bed
Interior: 1 Window, Wooden Floor, Wooden Walls, Wooden Ceiling
Storage: $10, (2) Water Bottles, (5) Cans of Soup
Population: 1/10 (Me)
Electricity: No
Plumbing: Yes
Description: An old, wooden warehouse guarded by small wooden fences. Poor thing won't hold up against those zombies for long.

Light Machine Gun 1/LMG1
Description: This gun is fast and weighs less than your average machine gun. It's accuracy is pretty okay but its firing power is weak.
Ammo: 30/90

Heavy Machine Gun 1/HMG1
Description: The Heavy Machine Gun 1, as its name suggests, is quite heavy and is difficult to carry around at most times. It's firing speed is slightly slower than the light machine gun but its power makes up for it.
Ammo: 100/100

Sniper Rifle 1/SR1
Description: This gun probably has the best accuracy of all the beginning guns, and is average weight. It has good firing power but it cannot fire quickly.
Ammo: 5/20

Shotgun 1/S1
Description: This gun is a little heavier than the Sniper Rifle but a little lighter than the Heavy Machine Gun. It has low accuracy which makes it only useful for close combat at most times. It has a decent firing speed but its shots can explode heads off.
Ammo: 4/32

Hunter's Bow
Description: This old bow is MADE for hunting things. Including zombies. This old bow has unlimited capabilties depending on how you use it.
Ammo: 100 Arrows

Hunter's Crossbow
Description: A more advanced version of the bow, the crossbow provides easier firing and better accuracy along with power, though it is much heavier.
Ammo: 70 Arrows

Kitchen Knife
Description: The classic weapon for murder. This tool may be used for cooking, but it can really give a painful slash and stab.

Spiked Punching Gloves
Description: Who would have thought of these? When delivering a punch, zombies can get spiked while at it.

Building Hammer
Description: A hard headed hammer that can deliver deadly blows to the head. Just make sure it's not yours.

Perks can help you out... And stuff.

Not So Stupid
Description: You're not so stupid after all, I mean you're surviving a zombie invasion, right? This perk will keep your mind keep acting normal, even when under panic.

Swiper No Swiping
Description: This perk will automatically notify your brain when someone or something is trying to steal something from you.

Mister Macho
Description: Even if you aren't a guy, you can still choose this perk! This perk gives additional power to all your weapons and increases your physical strength.

Arrow Through an Arrow
Description: Find the Robin Hood reference? No? Okay. This perk greatly increases your accuracy with weapons of any kind.

Cushioned Fall
Description: This perk makes you feel like you fall on pillows every time you do. Yay for no fall damage! Now go jump off the Empire State Building.

I'm a Doctor
Description: No really, you are! With this perk you can heal from wounds faster than others. You also have the ability to heal yourself and others from infections.

Usain Bolt
Description: With this perk you can even become faster than Usain Bolt plus a cheetah. Not really, I'm exaggerating. This perk makes you faster though.

Description: Finally, stalking will be easier with this perk! It allows you to stay unnoticed easier when moving around.

Aqua Man
Description: Since you're Aqua Man, or woman, thirst is not a problem in your world!

I Was in the Army
Description: With this perk, making allies could never be easier! Since, you know, you were in the army.

Bases are shelters that can hold items, keep people safe, and more. The bigger the size, the more people can stay inside, the more storage room there is, the better defenses you can have, etc. You can also have electricity and plumbing if you know how to fix it.

A Lesson in Zombiology
Rules of the zombie world...

1. Always aim for the head!
2. Avoid close contact with zombies!
3. Always stay under cover or hide when you need to!
4. Excersise a lot, the zombies might outrun you!
5. Don't try to help infected allies, they're goners!
6. Stay alive!

Zombies Species...

Zombie - Your basic zombie. Don't worry, they're the easiest to deal with. Just don't go running up to them. Burns in the daytime.

Runner - These guys are just like basic zombies, only they can probably outrun you most of the time. Burns in the daytime.

Spitter - Just like the old west, huh? These guys can spit at some real range, so stay away from them. Burns in the daytime.

Brainless - These guys don't even have a head, so don't even try to aim there. Maybe shoot some where else...? Burns in the daytime.

Piggyback Rider - These zombies like to jump on your back and enjoy the ride... while feeding on your brains. Always watch your back for these guys. Burns in the daytime.

Tank - These guys can take tons of hits, their head is almost as solid as a rock as well. Running while fighting is probably the best strategy for this zombie. Burns only before night time.

Exploding - These guys explode when you get too close, or when they die. Wait they're already dead right? Keep these zombies away from your allies and bases, because they instantly destroy! Does not burn at anytime.

Hound - These zombies are the poor undead bodies of dogs that were too unfortunate to survive. These guys can run FAST, and won't release when they bite, only when dead. Does not burn at anytime.

Armed - These zombies can be dangerous, because they carry weapons as well. Fight these guys just like you would a real person. Burns in the daytime.

Ultimate - You won't find these guys above ground, because they're way too dangerous for that. This species of zombies contains the powers of all types, and a little secret power of its own. Only burns when exposed to sunlight.

Keep a friend close...

1. Friends will usually help out during fights!
2. Friends will help out when you're in trouble!
3. Socializing with friends or other people will keep your Mind stat up!

Player Limits
Two people for now please!

  • 4 Replies
482 posts

Name:John Russ
Level 1
Experience: 0/15
Health: Excellent, No Injuries
Energy: Excellent, Full of Energy
Hunger: Good, Well Fed
Thirst: Good, Hydrated
Mind: Good, Acting Normal
Weapon: Sniper Rifle 1/SR1
Description: This gun probably has the best accuracy of all the beginning guns, and is average weight. It has good firing power but it cannot fire quickly.
Ammo: 5/20
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Melee: Kitchen Knife
Description: The classic weapon for murder. This tool may be used for cooking, but it can really give a painful slash and stab
Explosives: N/A
Special Weapons: N/A
Perks:Not So Stupid
Description: You're not so stupid after all, I mean you're surviving a zombie invasion, right? This perk will keep your mind keep acting normal, even when under panic.
Inventory: Journal, Comic Book
Allies: N/A
Pets: N/A
Current Bases: 1
Shelter Size: 1/10
Health: 50/50
Defenses: Wooden Fence
Furniture: Wooden Chair, Wooden Table, Old Bed
Interior: 1 Window, Wooden Floor, Wooden Walls, Wooden Ceiling
Storage: $10, (2) Water Bottles, (5) Cans of Soup
Population: 1/10 (Me)
Electricity: No
Plumbing: Yes
Description: An old, wooden warehouse guarded by small wooden fences. Poor thing won't hold up against those zombies for long.

1,255 posts

Name:jhon anderson
Level 1
Experience: 0/15
Health: Excellent, No Injuries
Energy: Excellent, Full of Energy
Hunger: Good, Well Fed
Thirst: Good, Hydrated
Mind: Good, Acting Normal
Weapon:Hunter's Bow
Description: This old bow is MADE for hunting things. Including zombies. This old bow has unlimited capabilties depending on how you use it.
Ammo: 100 Arrows
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Melee:Kitchen Knife
Description: The classic weapon for murder. This tool may be used for cooking, but it can really give a painful slash and stab.
Explosives: N/A
Special Weapons: N/A
Perks:i was in the army
Inventory: Journal, Comic Book
Allies: N/A
Pets: N/A
Current Bases: 1
Shelter Size: 1/10
Health: 50/50
Defenses: Wooden Fence
Furniture: Wooden Chair, Wooden Table, Old Bed
Interior: 1 Window, Wooden Floor, Wooden Walls, Wooden Ceiling
Storage: $10, (2) Water Bottles, (5) Cans of Soup
Population: 1/10 (Me)
Electricity: No
Plumbing: Yes
Description: An old, wooden warehouse guarded by small wooden fences. Poor thing won't hold up against those zombies for long.

231 posts

Character Sheet
Name: Micky O'Neil
Age: 25
Gender: M
Level 1
Experience: 0/15
Health: Excellent, No Injuries
Energy: Excellent, Full of Energy
Hunger: Good, Well Fed
Thirst: Good, Hydrated
Mind: Good, Acting Normal
Weapon: Hunter's Bow
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Melee: Kitchen Knife
Explosives: N/A
Special Weapons: N/A
Perks: Arrow Through An Arrow
Inventory: Journal, Comic Book
Allies: N/A
Pets: N/A
Current Bases: 1

Shelter Size: 1/10
Health: 50/50
Defenses: Wooden Fence
Furniture: Wooden Chair, Wooden Table, Old Bed
Interior: 1 Window, Wooden Floor, Wooden Walls, Wooden Ceiling
Storage: $10, (2) Water Bottles, (5) Cans of Soup
Population: 1/10 (Me)
Electricity: No
Plumbing: Yes
Description: An old, wooden warehouse guarded by small wooden fences. Poor thing won't hold up against those zombies for long.

231 posts

Sorry didn't see the two person limit.

Sorry for double post.

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