Queen zombie: Overall HP: 10000/10000 Arm Left HP: 500/500 Arm Right HP: 500/500 Leg Left HP: 500/500 Leg Right HP: 500/500 Head HP: 3000/3000 Body HP: 5000/5000 ----------------------------- Statuses: Power-ups:
City ----------- Remaining Shops: 50/50 Most Important shops: (make shops important by setting up bases in them) Overall Destruction: 0/100
One person can be the queen zombie, and the rest must either be an attacker or defender. Please be realistic and no nukes and stuff like that. Pretty much anything goes except for stuff mentioned above.
Ill be a defender, and i give my self the powers of aku through interdeminsional transfusion rays! And i turn my self into a giant scorpian! And attack the queen zombie with my stinger!
Queen zombie: sonicheroes95 Overall HP: 10000/10500 Arm Left HP: 500/500 Arm Right HP: 1000/1000 Leg Left HP: 500/500 Leg Right HP: 500/500 Head HP: 3000/3000 Body HP: 4500/5000 ----------------------------- Statuses: Power-ups:
City ----------- Remaining Shops: 50/50 Most Important shops: Overall Destruction: 0/100 Subway HP: 40/50
I take some of bao's runes and summon a claw of deminsion tearing. Then tear a hole to another deminsion, take samuri jack's sword, and thrust it into the queen zombie! It is immune to any kind of magic, dark powers, and the likes.
My post should have been under "Use runes to teleport back and stop the shop from begin destroyed" But instead, appeared above "...chaos control." Man i hate this glitch...
*twitch* *twitch* CHAOS CONTROL! *time freezes, time unfreezes 10 seconds later and bao gets lasted to pieced, blasted with a rasengan, and blasted with a power slash* idiot...