The aim of the game is to twist the story as much as possible! Using only 5-7 words, the person will try twist the story as much as possible. EX: Person 1: Harold ran away from home... Person 2: Then he found aliens in his backyard... Person 3: The aliens took him to their planet... Etc. Be as creative as possible! Try to make it as twisted as you can! (Please no extremely violent or sexual situations. You know the drill.) Okay... I'll start us off!
Jimmy decided to go for a walk. Then He ran into a Floating Cow who called aliens to abduct him. But then Mr.Carrot round house kicked him onto the alien ship, where giant Gumballs herded pink elephants that wanted to take him to the dungeon where all the aliens were having a tea party and Jimmy was not invited to the party but the teletubbies were. Jimmy dressed up as one...
Jimmy decided to go for a walk, then he ran into a floating cow who called the aliens to abduct him. But then Mr. Carrot round house kicked him onto the alien ship, where giant gumballs herded pink elephants that wanted to take him to the dungeon, where all the aliens were having a tea party, and Jimmy was not invited to the party. But the teletubbies were and Jimmy dressed up as one...