This is the basic Charactor sheet in DragonQuest. This will keep all of your personal info and what you have. You must fill out the charactorsheet in order to play.
-Making your character
Making your character is pretty basic. ---Charactor-Sheet--- --------------------- Player:Tamally Name:KnightFall Level:1 Exp: /100 Class: Race: Gold: 100
This is th info area of the sheet. Where it says player you would put your name just like i have, and name would be the name of your characrer. Class and race should be chosen from the Classes and races witch are located below the explainging the character sheet.
This is the stat section. You will start off with 20 points to destribute to them. STR is added to your mele weapons damage when attacking. Dex is used to hit an enemy in relation to there doge. INT is the same as STR but for spells and non-mele skills. CHA(charm) is more of a roleplaying stat, used for getting info out of cirtin people or discounts at stores. When you get hit you will take Damage and loose HP, if you run out dont worry you can still be healed, but if you go to negative your max health, you are removed from the game. MP is taken away from using skills and spells when you run out you must wait for it to recharge or drink a mana potion.
Finnaly we come to the skills, spells, and items. as you level up you will get skill point to spend. You can use them on skills when you level up. Items are used for protection, for healing, and for slaying monsters! You must put [e] beside the weapon and armor you wish to use. Skills and spells are chosen based on what class you chose from the list below.
--------------------- -----Class--Book-----
---Paladin Paladins are great warriors of light, using any mele weapons and heavy armor and light magic spells. -Stat Bonus STR:+2 INT:+1 CHA:+1
---Rouge Rouges are skilled, silent killers, a theifs. They use small mele weapons and medium armor (skills only) -Stat Bonus STR:+1 DEX:+1 DGE:+2
---Wizzard Wizzards are great weilders of magic who use light armor and spells -Stat Bonus INT:+3 CHA:+1
You are welcome to do your own if you wish, remembering there is a max of 4 point of bunus stats.
--------------------- --Skill-and-Spells--- This is a guide of how to make your skills
you get 20 points to create a skill or spell (you get 2 when you start) you get 5 point to put in a skill every level
Lightning strike lvl:1 7 dmg (14 points) chance to stun after hit (6 points
Player:StormDragon Name:Storm Level:1 Exp:51/100 Class:Rouge Race:Halfling Gold: 30 --------Stats-------- HP: 20/20 MP: 10/10 STR:4 DEX:7 INT:4 CHA:2 DGE:7 ---Skills--Spells--- Poison +7 dmg dose 3 dmg after it is used until an antidote is used or my opponent dies --------ITEMS-------- Sleeping supplies Orc Captain's head Lock pics(5) Leather Armor 3 def studded leather armor(e) 4 def Dagger (e) 3 dmg
I speak with Knightfall about who takes first watch.
Knightfall takes the first shift and lets you sleep for now In your sleep you have the same reacuring dream, your perrents dieing and what happened after, its horrible. You wake up andeveryone is asleep but Knightfall he stall completly still on a log facing the fire he dosent notice you woke up.
Player:StormDragon Name:Storm Level:1 Exp:51/100 Class:Rouge Race:Halfling Gold: 30 --------Stats-------- HP: 20/20 MP: 10/10 STR:4 DEX:7 INT:4 CHA:2 DGE:7 ---Skills--Spells--- Poison +7 dmg dose 3 dmg after it is used until an antidote is used or my opponent dies --------ITEMS-------- Sleeping supplies Orc Captain's head Lock pics(5) Leather Armor 3 def studded leather armor(e) 4 def Dagger (e) 3 dmg
I shake the memories of when I was four and lost my family to orcs ,just like I have now lost what had been my home for ten years, and listen for the howls of the family that took me in knowing that if the alpha male and his mate still live then they will howl to let let me know and to remind me that I have a place in their pack.
A long howl of two more wolfs echos through the forest. And knightfall looks over his shoulder to see you sitting up panicking. Knightfall-"Are you ok?" Storm-"yea, ill be ok dont worry about me." Knightfall-"ok well get some sleep were heding out first thing in the morning."
Player:StormDragon Name:Storm Level:1 Exp:51/100 Class:Rouge Race:Halfling Gold: 30 --------Stats-------- HP: 20/20 MP: 10/10 STR:4 DEX:7 INT:4 CHA:2 DGE:7 ---Skills--Spells--- Poison +7 dmg dose 3 dmg after it is used until an antidote is used or my opponent dies --------ITEMS-------- Sleeping supplies Orc Captain's head Lock pics(5) Leather Armor 3 def studded leather armor(e) 4 def Dagger (e) 3 dmg
I smile and try to go back to sleep. The pack should know I live because of the howl I let out earlier and if they become worried because they see the bodies of the orcs I went against then they will wait for my next howl or send a wolf to follow my tracks until I am spotted. That wolf will then help me if I need it and if not then it will report back to the alphas.
Player:StormDragon Name:Storm Level:1 Exp:51/100 Class:Rouge Race:Halfling Gold: 30 --------Stats-------- HP: 20/20 MP: 10/10 STR:4 DEX:7 INT:4 CHA:2 DGE:7 ---Skills--Spells--- Poison +7 dmg dose 3 dmg after it is used until an antidote is used or my opponent dies --------ITEMS-------- Sleeping supplies Orc Captain's head Lock pics(5) Leather Armor 3 def studded leather armor(e) 4 def Dagger (e) 3 dmg
I assume it is a wolf from my pack so I ignore it but stay alert in case I'm wrong.