This is a few years after the zombie outbreak started. It started when some reaserchers in the south pole found a kind of virus. They examined it and found it had regenerative qualities what they didn't realise was that i made you go back to your primordial instincts(aka FEED). So they realeased it in commercial form calling it a new kind of Botox. So people took it and turned into zombies. Present Day: There are large safe places almost like towns and you are from one of them. Im not gonna give any more info out until people join. ------------------------------------------------------------
Character Sheet
Name: First and Last Sex:M/F Bio: How did you get thrown out of your safe place. Description:Looks Class: Listed Below Weaponepends on class Inventory: Nothing yet Skills: Depends on Class Allies: Depends on Bio And Class
Classes: Guardian(has a Riot Shield and a Pistol),Ranger(Sniper Rifle, Combat Knife, and Rope), Scrounger(Two silenced pistols, a shovel, and a flashlight), Bio(Syringe, Tmp, and first aid kit), and Gunner(Assault Rifle, 2 grenades, and a spare clip)
Skillsonly 2) Guardian:Hard Skin, Balance, Blood Rage, Stronger Shield Ranger: Optical Camo, Steady Aim, Blade Speciality, Sureshot Scrounger: Scavenger, Scout, Keen Eye, Shovel Pro Biooctor, Scientist, Computer tech(couldn't think of another one) Gunner:Spray and Pray,Reloader,Stealth killer, Head Shot Pro ------------------------------------------------------------
Only three people can play at a time and the first one to play gets a sword