Every once n a while ill put a weird thing on n u will guess what it means. Today: nrevaT ehT
It's the The Tavern spelled backwards. I may be wrong but I have a feeling this thread may be useless, and therefore might get locked.
congrats Sheppard0007! If I could, I would give you like 5 AG PNTS.!
next: How do you fit n elephant in to a safeway bag? Hint:take the s out of safe and the f out of way!
There is no 'f' in 'way'.
Thanks n srry about the answer
Next:ffutS dreiW
Wierd Stuff? (apparently you've been spelling weird wrong)
oh? srry n thanks
Riddle:(Thanks to ferfer313!)You buy it but never use it. When the time comes you use it,but you dont know your using it. What is it?
hint: after you die you are in a ______
If this is supposed to be a riddle game, it goes in the riddle thread.
congrats n did you look that up on my profile? ok and next: Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup,but even a river cant fill it up. What is it?
A strainer/sieve.
congrats and next: Im as big as an elephant, but as light as a feather. What am I?
I though it was lighter than a feather: WindAre you getting these riddles from riddles.com?
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