The experimental part of this will be that there is no Character sheet and there is no limit of players; The noly requirement is your time and commitment.
Surrounding you is what could only be described as a Void... The darkest black you could ever imagine. You're not even sure if you exist or not in this..... Darkness.
Suddenly, what must be thousands of cards appear in front of you, all face down--or at least you think-- and all a different shade of one color or another. The assortment stretches for as far as you can see in every direction, including up and down.
Choose a color.
*As a side note, please try not to all pick the same color, it will make this very difficult if that is to happen. Choosing the same color as someone else is fine, but please try not to follow a pattern if you see one forming. Like I said, ANY color you can think of*
TRF As you press the Amethyst card, it emits a searing light which takes up all your vision. As the light fades, you are riding a horse on a trail. Around you stretches thick pine forest in all directions, except where the trail is. You can't tell if it is night or day because of the thick forest. What do you do?
@StormDragon it doesn't need to be complex, after you choose it the card is entirely irrelevant unless I make a twist.
DBS: In which direction? Left down the road, right down the road or straight across a field?
Hyper: You eat a Banana. Now what?
Legion: "I'd say a few minutes, why?"
TRF: You keep going, and then the trail ends. You can hear a waterfall nearby, but you don't know in which direction the sound is coming from. What do you do?
Zyba: You touch a Emarald-colored card, and are squashed by a Giant Emerald. You awake on a beach, there are multiple palm trees swaying gently in the cool breeze and the sun is shining down-- A perfect day. To the right is a Cave, behind you jungle, and to the left another cave? What do you do?
DB No response, just a dirty look from one of them.
Hmm I was waiting for more replies, but guess not.
Legion: "I'm sure they'll like you." DUN DUN DUN DUUUNN.
DBS: You walk across the field; strewn across it re the corpses of cows and horses, their throats slit and the carrin birds already having their way with them. As you keep going, you see 2 of the Demon-masks rocketing down a road in front of you. They haven't noticed you. There is also a large flame behind you which casts a shadow across the road. What do you do?
DB: All of them look at you like you're a dumb@ss. Fail.