The experimental part of this will be that there is no Character sheet and there is no limit of players; The noly requirement is your time and commitment.
Surrounding you is what could only be described as a Void... The darkest black you could ever imagine. You're not even sure if you exist or not in this..... Darkness.
Suddenly, what must be thousands of cards appear in front of you, all face down--or at least you think-- and all a different shade of one color or another. The assortment stretches for as far as you can see in every direction, including up and down.
Choose a color.
*As a side note, please try not to all pick the same color, it will make this very difficult if that is to happen. Choosing the same color as someone else is fine, but please try not to follow a pattern if you see one forming. Like I said, ANY color you can think of*
Wuffie: "Fine, leave the bread where it is but there's some leftover muffins from yesterday downstairs." A staircase catchess your eye, as does another door where the voice seems to be coming from. What do you do?
DV You swing over to the tree and manage to latch onto it. The cat follows below , but it doesn't seem to be able to climb the tree. It does look very hungry, though. From where you are, you can see the rope you are tied to is knotted to a rotting branch on the other tree. You can't reach your rope to pull it as you would fall again, but maybe falling isn't a bad thing in this case..... What do you do?
Legion: "Princess Hysveera." This seems to be confirmed by the bows and looks of recognition as you two pass through the busy streets. What do you do?
I have something planned, don't get too excited xP.
Sonic: You dodge at the last minute, but the bone spikes lashed to its feet managed to scrape your foot up very badly, and you realize you are lucky its foot didn't trample you. You look, and the rhino is going on a rampage through the battle, tossing and trampling friend and foe alike in its wake. A'Civilized' with a spear and broken shield charges you while on the ground. What do you do?
You touch the Lavender card. It starts rapidly flashing as everything fades from existence. You awake, and a hot blast of air hits your face. You look around, and see you are in a burning room. Scattered around yyou are junk ranging from tattered clothing to crude tools, all scattered about as if the place had been looted. Something shiny catches your eye in the far corner, but the fire is getting bad and the ceiling doesn't look too sturdy. You can hear movement upstairs, but there is a large timber blocking the way up. What do you do?
I'll stay low to the floor and quickly make my way to the shiny.
Sonic: You slash the spear to the side, but he trips over you like a dits and falls, landing on the other side of you. The pain in your foot becomes more defined and sharp as it starts bleeding. What do you do?
Legion: "Only if Papa says so." ( :O ) You are wearing clothes somewhere between what a commoner and what a semi-wealthy merchant would wear, and you can't remember a thing before the beach.
( It'll get interesting very quickly, for the better or worse depending on your actions :3 )
DBS: You crawl over to the shiny object, and see it is an Amulaet which looks strangely untouched despite the obvious looting; in the center is a very large Ruby surrounded by what looks like silver with saphire studs in it. You take it and decide to wear it. There is a loud thud upstairs, nd you also notice the door. What do you do?
So I'll just confirm with her that she's the daughter of King Sammar.
(1. Right, thanks for the info. I'd just like to add, that compared to literature from this century, this is the only stuff like it I've enjoyed. I think you'd be very good at fantasy literature. 2. Be nice to royalty. Check. :P )
I try to use my full force and mass (Which wouldn't work as well, I'm not American) to make push down with my legs and make the branch snap. When I do I hold on to the tree so I wouldn't fall down and get eaten by the hungry lolcat.
Legion: "Yes, I am. Have you met him?" Oblivious person is Oblivious. (I tried my hand at writing, and eventually I got bored of it. So far I'm liking this over just writing.... You consider this literature? O_o )
DV The branch sna[s easily from the force, and you plummet down to the gground an dland in a pile of leaves (How convenient!). The rope easily comes off your legs without any tension on it anymore. You can hear the lolca--I mean leopard quickly approaching through the undergrowth. What do you do?
DBS: You run for the door and push on it, and it falls off in response. You step outside onto a cobblestone road, and see the entire sky is black with smoke, the raging fires making it a hellish red hue. Everything in sight is either burning or already charred, and this includes people and animals. You see a horseman holding a sword approaching rapidly down the road to your right. What do you do?