The object of the game is to describe how long it takes to do something. The way it works is that the 1st person says it takes 1 second to __________. The 2nd person says that it takes 2 seconds to __________, and so on.
Once 59 seconds is reached, the next person starts with 1 minute, progressing from there. It would look like this:
1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds ... 59 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes ... 59 minutes 1 hour ... 23 hours 1 day ... 6 days 1 week
Next person can start the game. Let me know what you think.
It took 54 seconds for everyone to realize that Chuck Norris can destroy anyplanet instantly with a round house kick.
54 seconds is also the amount of time your brain flew threw the air before hitting anything solid after Chuck Norris roundhoused you in the face for spreading the wrong facts about him.