hi you guys, and if you're wondering, i felt like running a CTO spinoff, so i did. if you're wondering, this would kinda be like a boss rush version of CTO, where you're only fighting bosses for most of the game, unless you need to do something first. before you complain, i got Kylelolcat's permission, and now with out farther ado, on with first objective.
Current Objective: Defeat Sonny and Veradux. Enemies Hp: Sonny 5000/5000, Veradux 4000/4000 Enemies Status: None Damaged: None Critical: None Dead: None Status: None Trapped in Time(banned): None
Forgot about that part...I'll reprogram some of egg mans robots ([letter]-[3 number][greek letter] seris of robots Example: E-123 omega) and send them to stall sonic, while i prowl around egg man's base looking for something strong enough to take down sonic...
Current Objective: Defeat Dark Super Sonic. there may be another way to win. Enemies Hp: Dark Super Sonic 24625/25000 Enemies Status: Pissed-85%. Super Form-25% less damage. Targetting Martiantraitor-1 turns Resistances: Bullets Weaknesses: Allies: Damaged: Martiantraitor, Riptizoid101 Critical: Dead:Tom Status: Annoying(Warning): Trapped in Time(banned): domecraft, spartandestroyer
rick: you hit for 50 damage. +5%
DarthNerd: he defeats them in less then 5 seconds.... but it does calm him down abit since he got to unleash his anger... -10%
Spartandestroyer: *uses chaos control to completely freeze spartandestroyer*
Zyba: he's to fast, and chaos emeralds doesn't do anything. Dragonballs already was used to try(and fail) to kill zombie goku.
Hmmmm...hitch a ride to space colony ARK(if its still there) and if so, look around for any of eggmans realitives experiments i might have to use, like a copy of that giant lizard that was part of project: shadow...hmmm....If the colony is still here, i will rig it to crash into earth and hit sonic, it has been tried once, and it failed, but ti shall not fail again!
Current Objective: Defeat Dark Super Sonic. there may be another way to win. Enemies Hp: Dark Super Sonic 24625/25000 Enemies Status: Pissed-55%. Super Form-25% less damage. Targetting Martiantraitor-1 turns Resistances: Bullets Weaknesses: Allies: Damaged: Martiantraitor, Riptizoid101 Critical: Dead:Tom Status: Annoying(Warning): Trapped in Time(banned): domecraft, spartandestroyer
@Rick&Zyba: he takes out even more of his anger out on the dummies. -30%. sonic also seems to be glowing less intensely.
@darthnerd: sorry, but space colony ARK is being guarded by shadow the hedgehog. hey, you found him!
@spartandestroyer-teme: my game, my rules.
@code: attempt failed because you did nothing TO calm him down.