hi you guys, and if you're wondering, i felt like running a CTO spinoff, so i did. if you're wondering, this would kinda be like a boss rush version of CTO, where you're only fighting bosses for most of the game, unless you need to do something first. before you complain, i got Kylelolcat's permission, and now with out farther ado, on with first objective.
Current Objective: Defeat Sonny and Veradux. Enemies Hp: Sonny 5000/5000, Veradux 4000/4000 Enemies Status: None Damaged: None Critical: None Dead: None Status: None Trapped in Time(banned): None
Well, the assassination maneuver shouldn't have worked on a Vader that could see or move, so there's that drawback. I think I know who the last boss is...
I force-feed Jackie Chan a huge vat of coffee. Since drunkedness gives him power, getting him nice and sober should make him crappy.
I get out Tenken and go Bankai, summoning a huge armoured giant behind me whose movements are controlled by me. I use my fist and make a slamming motion, causing the armoured giant's fist to fall down and hit Darth Vader.
I go from 500 feet away, and fire my L96a1 sniper rifle, loaded and on target on jackie chan's head, and fire! Also, i installed a heat-seeking bullet which follows Jackie Chan everywhere! I then proceed to hide in a bomb shelter right next to me to avoid any damage :P
riptizoid&tom: jackie dodges the sniper rifle round while killing both jackie and bruce team up and kick Chuck Norris's *** again. except Chuck norris was already dead, so it was just a dummy...
Kylelolcat: ok... sadly, considering no one but you is gonna be using the power-up montage, it won't trigger.
and yes, i'll also combine attacks if i want something to miss and it's a good reason
Its a heat seeking bullet going about 3000 miles per second, how can Jackie Chan dodge that?!?
Ok, i throw a suicide bomber at Jackie Chan and if he tries to kick it or punch it away the suicide bomber grabs kick and drills his finger nails into Jackie's Body and then explodes! Also, the suicide bomber is strapped with tnt and the tnt works so its not a dud, and no one can stop it from exploding except for me! And i dont want it to explode!
*pulls out the handy "riping into other reality's" claw**puts it on**rips it into the reality of naruto, grabs kakashi while he is asleep**he wakes up* "This is a dream, but you have to kill those jackie chan and bruce lee people over there"
Current Objective: Defeat Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee Enemies Hp: Jackie Chan: 10000/10000 Bruce Lee: 10000/10000 Enemies Status: Teamed-up: attacks deal half damage. Resistances: Weaknesses: Allies: Giant armor Darkfire45: 500/500 Neutrals: Kakashi: 1000/1000 Damaged: Critical: Dead: Status: Kakashi: Lazy. Annoying(Warning): Trapped in Time(banned): domecraft, spartandestroyer
Daleksparta: you shock both for 100 damage.
Tom: sorry, but there bodies are overkilled already. no way to use them anymore.
Darthnerd: you bring in kakashi. as kakashi thinks this is just a dream, he just pulls out his book and starts reading it while randomly giggling.
Zyba: that fails since you also gave bruce lee and jackie chan a gas mask, and kakashi is immune do to reasons dealing with naruto logic. as to how Chuck Norris died, he got piled by at least 5 different people.