hi you guys, and if you're wondering, i felt like running a CTO spinoff, so i did. if you're wondering, this would kinda be like a boss rush version of CTO, where you're only fighting bosses for most of the game, unless you need to do something first. before you complain, i got Kylelolcat's permission, and now with out farther ado, on with first objective.
Current Objective: Defeat Sonny and Veradux. Enemies Hp: Sonny 5000/5000, Veradux 4000/4000 Enemies Status: None Damaged: None Critical: None Dead: None Status: None Trapped in Time(banned): None
I rehire Matias and say if he does the bumper cars thing to me again he wont get paid then i offer him 1 million dollars if he destroys it WITHOUT hurting me.
Current Objective: Defeat Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee Enemies Hp: Jackie Chan: Dead Bruce Lee: Dead Enemies Status: Resistances: Weaknesses: Allies: Neutrals: Kakashi: 1000/1000 Damaged: Critical: Dead: Status: Kakashi: Lazy. ??? CD7: Annoying(Warning): Trapped in Time(banned):
... that explains why i've never heard of him.
anyway: Kylelolcat: you finish him. congrats. now then, someone needs to be the general of the attackers so i'll wait till you all decide.
Current Objective: Defeat The creator! Enemies Hp: Kylelolcat: 5000/5000 Enemies Status: Resistances: Weaknesses: Allies: Kakashi: 5000/5000 Neutrals: Damaged: Critical: Dead: Status: Kakashi: Lazy. CD7: Annoying(Warning): Trapped in Time(banned):
or not... thank you Deus ex machina for letting me put Kakashi there... anyway, here we go, final boss.... actually, i don't feel like running this anymore... so chaos control. *Warps time to the end of the objective* after defeating kylelolcat somehow, reality breaks do to the creator dieing... AGAIN... i am so not fixing this. *hands the controls back to kylelolcat and asks for this thread to be locked since the (current)game's over*