Heres how it goes. One person puts up an item for auction, the next person says how much they would pay for it in real life, the next person either passes or tops it. If they pass then they say why but if they top it then they have to say how much more they'll pay for it. It ends when 3 people pass BUT not in a row. It ends when 3 people TOTAL say pass. When the auction is over the next user puts up an item. A tip to not get 2 people to post different items in a row is to cut the text you were going to submit, refresh the page then post it quick. You don't have to have the money in real life just pretend you have lots of money but you have to be careful with it. I'll start.
There have already been 3 passes on that item so here's the next one...
PIKACHU ILLUSTRATOR POKEMON CARD The rarest Pokemon card in the world. Only 6 are known to exist. They were only released in Japan. They were given to the winners of the Pokemon Card Game Illustration Contest.