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You are a future soldier in the year 2347 that is in charge of a team that will go on a journey that is nearly a suicide mission going across the galaxy gathering intel on a mysterious, new species of aliens that have emerged from no where and started abducting humans and aliens in urban ares with low population, and selling them for the highest bidder. We have no name permanent name for this new race but there is a temporary name for them. Most people call them the Sphinctors. Your mission is to discover, with your team, the origin and nature of the Sphinctors.

You will travel across the galaxy recruiting members for your mission, there are some characters I've set up for you to pick up and some, if you like them, you'll be able to recruit them yourself. There will be classes that you select that will affect your gameplay style. Along with your decision affecting the gameplay, you can either be the hero that everyone looks up to and you'll go done as Earth greatest hero, or you could be the worst being humans have produced with no regard for human or alien life that has no soul.

Meanings of Attributes

Damage- How much injury the gun or player can do

Damage Resistance-How much damage the player can reduce(The stat is measured by how much damage is dealt and your stat is multiplied by 1.5 and then taken away from the damage dealt)

Weapon Skill-The skill that one would need to use a gun efficently

Melee-Skill in close quarters combat

First-Aid:Ability to heal team and yourself

Weapons: Heavy Pistol:Ammo Capacity(14/14),Damage:7/10 Accuracy:8/10
Shotgun-Semi-Automatic:Ammo Capacity(20/20),Damage:8/10 Accuracy:3/10
Machine-Pistol: Ammo Capacity(100/100), Damage:4/10 Accuracy:6/10
Attributes: Health:250/250, Shields:150/150, Damage Resistance:8/10
First-Aid:8/10, Damage:7/10, Weapon Skill:6/10, Melee Skill:6/10
Perks: Health-Pod(Gives health to nearby allies), Barrier(Puts up a shield at 6 by four feet that can take 200 damage)

Assassin:Sniper Rifle:Ammo Capacity(8/8), Damage:9/10 Accuracy:10/10
Light Pistol:Ammo Capacity 40/40, Damage:4/10 Accuracy:10/10
Laser Sickle: Damage:10/10, Accuracy(Arms length)
Attributes: Health 125/125 Shield:125/125 Damage Resistance:4/10
First-Aid:4/10 Damage:8/10 Weapon Skill:9/10 Melee:10/10
Perks: Presence(Just his presence make everyone have better damage and accuracy) Shadow(Can disappear with a crowd or in the shadows)

Fighter:Assault Rifle-Three Round Burst, Ammo Capacity(90/90), Damage:8/10 Accuracy:9/10
Heavy-Pistol:Ammo Capacity(14/14),Damage:7/10 Accuracy:8/10
Rocket Launcher:Ammo Capacity(5/5) Damage:10/10 Accuracy 6/10
Attributes: Health 200/200. Shields 140/140 Damage Resistance:7/10, Damage:8/10, First-Aid:6/10, Weapon Skill:7/10, Melee:6/10
Perks:Fearless(Will have a health and damage bonus when activated for a limited time), Bold(Will not back down 10% to shields)

Character Sheet
Type:Good, Evil
Team:2 Members, John:Protecter, Sarah:Fighter

Starting Story Line:
You have landed on the System Hercules, the most recent Human colony that has been abducted and as you arrive you and your squad members are sent to investigate, yet to your surprise when you arrive in orbit the Sphinctors ship is still there but unaware of your ship because of your ship's stealth system. The Sphinctors ship is much to large for a space battle to take affect. What do you do?

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