Story:It was A massive war against the races there were The Elves,The Orcs and Dwarfs villages pillaged citys burnd to ground people slaughterd war started when Orcs get new leader some powerful wizard who was exiled from Human empire because involvin in Dark and Blood magick after 7 years of war Orcs capture capital city of Elves and take book of one of most powerful wizard in history orc shamans use that book to open some kind of portal in Elves capital and relise one inprisoned race Demons and their leader Baal orcs try to make aliance with them but Demons betrey them and kill every orc and elf in city soon after that they form small Country and their streinght grow every day,elves race is brought almost to extinction most of Eves are killed and they make their last stand in Brecilian forest and they are under nonstop attack of Orcs and Deamons in masiv race war Dwarfs had big success and they started wining but when demons was relised they invaded Dwarven underground Empire and destored most of Dwarfen citys and former empire is in ruins Human empire didnt involved in War when Emeror of Human empire wend misin civil war started in The Human empire emeror was last saw in in capital city where great plague is killed many people humans send many expeditions nad helers to capital but nobody returned and there are rumors that at night you could hear screams and strange voices from city some people say that Emeror of Human empire always wanted to beacome immortal and that he was involved in many experiments and Black magick and that he formed packt with some powerful Spirit that give him immortalty.
Name: Age:18-... Gender:Male or Female Weapon:I decide Armor:I decide Condition:Fine Inventory:I decide Bio:Make it a longer Perk:I get from bio Race:Chose any Race Description: Class:I decide
[Whoa. Please, please, please improve on your punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. This is a really great idea, but the way you typed the story may have scared people away. D:]
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk: Race: Elven Description: Class:
[Don't forget about grammar] Name: Steven Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: I decide Armor: I decide Condition: Fine Inventory:I decide Bio: Born in raised as a Human in a Human village filled with Human people, I've always wanted to be a respected Human person among Human people. Unfortunately, my Human father is quite infamous in my Human village with Human residents for having skills of an expert survivalist. Perk: I get from bio Race: Human Description: Slim 6" with black hair Class: I decide
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk: Race: Elven Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.). Class:
Name: Desi Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a western, coastal, cliffside town, where I was trained in combat, specializing with the axe. I also learned to fish and have fought on boats multiple times to escape pirates. There have only been a few orc raids in our region, but we are prepared. Perk: Race: Human Description: 5'8", Tan skin, extremely dark brown hair and eyes of the same color, fit, but not muscular. Class:
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon:Magic Staff,Spell Book,Dagger Armor:Cloth armor Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk:Experienced-Very powerful mage with huge experience Race: Elven Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.). Class:Mage
Name: Desi Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapono you want one handed or two handed Axe? Armor:Old Lether armor Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a western, coastal, cliffside town, where I was trained in combat, specializing with the axe. I also learned to fish and have fought on boats multiple times to escape pirates. There have only been a few orc raids in our region, but we are prepared. Perk:Axemen-Very good with Axe like weapons Race: Human Description: 5'8", Tan skin, extremely dark brown hair and eyes of the same color, fit, but not muscular. Class:Axeman
Name: Steven Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: I decide Armor: I decide Condition: Fine Inventory:I decide Bio: Born in raised as a Human in a Human village filled with Human people, I've always wanted to be a respected Human person among Human people. Unfortunately, my Human father is quite infamous in my Human village with Human residents for having skills of an expert survivalist. Perk: I get from bio Race: Human Description: Slim 6" with black hair Class: I decide
Can you change bio? Sory ppl for my mistakes english is not my native language We will start tomorrow
Name: Steven Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: I decide Armor: I decide Condition: Fine Inventory:I decide Bio: Born and raised in a Human village filled with Human people, I've always wanted to be a respected Human person among Human people. Unfortunately, my father is quite infamous in my Human village with Human residents for having skills of an expert survivalist. Perk: I get from bio Race: Human Description: Slim 6" with black hair Class: I decide
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger Armor: Cloth armor Condition: Fine Inventory: [Empty] Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience Race: Elven Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.). Class: Mage
Name: Steven Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: Born and raised in a Human village filled with Human people, I've always wanted to be a respected Human person among Human people. Unfortunately, my father is quite infamous in my Human village with Human residents for having skills of an expert survivalist. Perk:Respect-He will allways work very hard to gain respect Race: Human Description: Slim 6" with black hair Class:Peasant
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon:Magic Staff,Spell Book,Dagger Armor:Cloth armor Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk:Experienced-Very powerful mage with huge experience Race: Elven Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.). Class:Mage Army:8 men
You where patroling around elf-orc border leading a small unit of 8 warriors after 3 days of patroling you found only stranglers of main horde but then suddenly you found one small half ruined castle which was recently captured by orcs you come closer and saw how orcs are prepering survivors for execution what are you going to do?
Name: Desi Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapono you want one handed or two handed Axe? Armor:Old Lether armor Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a western, coastal, cliffside town, where I was trained in combat, specializing with the axe. I also learned to fish and have fought on boats multiple times to escape pirates. There have only been a few orc raids in our region, but we are prepared. Perk:Axemen-Very good with Axe like weapons Race: Human Description: 5'8", Tan skin, extremely dark brown hair and eyes of the same color, fit, but not muscular. Class:Axeman
After one very hard working day scouting surroundings of city you return to your house lay on bed and start sleeping after several you waked up by some local soldiers who tell you to get up they told you that town harbour was attacked by pirates and that they are slaughtering townpeople what are you going to do?
Name: Steven Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: Born and raised in a Human village filled with Human people, I've always wanted to be a respected Human person among Human people. Unfortunately, my father is quite infamous in my Human village with Human residents for having skills of an expert survivalist. Perk:Respect-He will allways work very hard to gain respect Race: Human Description: Slim 6" with black hair Class:Peasant
You where walking throu village looking for some job but you didnt found anything but then you heard horse galops behind you you turn around and saw one small army of local Lord you ask some soldier where are they going he told you that Local lord are uniting their army against one rebel lord who alied with orcs for power and money he already have big army and now orcs are giving him support it will be very hard fight he also told you that army need evry men able to fight and he sugested you thay you shoud join army you will get share of loot and Lord will give you weapons and armor
Name: Steven Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: Born and raised in a Human village filled with Human people, I've always wanted to be a respected Human person among Human people. Unfortunately, my father is quite infamous in my Human village with Human residents for having skills of an expert survivalist. Perk:Respect-He will always work very hard to gain respect Race: Human Description: Slim 6" with black hair Class:Peasant
I purposely made my character as plain as possible. Does this mean I'm less suspicious? Well I'll make a different character just in case this one is too...unusable.
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk: Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:
No need to change your character i already created beginging stroy for you but if you want to change character tell me This is story for first ch Name: Steven Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: Born and raised in a Human village filled with Human people, I've always wanted to be a respected Human person among Human people. Unfortunately, my father is quite infamous in my Human village with Human residents for having skills of an expert survivalist. Perk:Respect-He will allways work very hard to gain respect Race: Human Description: Slim 6" with black hair Class:Peasant
You where walking throu village looking for some job but you didnt found anything but then you heard horse galops behind you you turn around and saw one small army of local Lord you ask some soldier where are they going he told you that Local lord are uniting their army against one rebel lord who alied with orcs for power and money he already have big army and now orcs are giving him support it will be very hard fight he also told you that army need evry men able to fight and he sugested you thay you shoud join army you will get share of loot and Lord will give you weapons and armor
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon: Armor: Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk: Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:
I think this character has more you know, personality as well as probably a better perk. I'll go with this character. Sorry for inconvenience.
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with evry tipe of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary
When you become Mercenary you was only one scared boy with one small dagger and after couple of years you become leader of one small but very efectiv and skilled Mercenary company when war started you get a lought of offers and lot of jobs one day Elves wanted to reclaim their capital and hired thousands of mercenerys after assult on capital whole Elf army was destroyed your company slauhter only you survived you where unconscious but when you waked up you found your self in midle of city surounded by thousands of bodys and then you saw deamons who where searching for survivors from battle
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with evry tipe of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary
[You should use commas(,) when you list things. Ex: He ate, slept, and fought.]
I quickly look for some where to hide as I pickpocket the closest body.