so basically, you have destroy whatever i say with whatever(at least whatever is plausible)whoever destroys whatever will take over the threadfirst objective:destroy a buildinghp:1000/1000injured:nonedeadbanned)noneshops:noneStart.......Now!!!!!
i set fire to it and everyone else who posts.
first objective:destroy a buildinghp:800/1000injured:spartandestroyer(1post injury)deadbanned)noneshops:none@spartandestroyer: you deal 200 damage but you accidentally set fire to yourself also.
i take a crane witha wrecking ball and smack into it and i make an earth quake
first objective:destroy a buildinghp:100/1000injured:deadbanned)noneshops:none@slayguy:the wrecking ball does extreme amount of damage!
I ride godzilla and make it stomp on the building
congratulations!!! riptizoid101 wins. If you wanna take over the thread just post "i want to take over this thread"if not, i'll continue it.
Hey riptizoid, you can take over the thread if you want. just post "i wanna take over the thread"if you dont want to, just post"no thanks"im going you 10 more minutes until it defaults to "no thanks"
unfortunately, it defaults to me continuing the game.objective: blow up times squarehp:10000/10000injured:nonedeadbanned)noneshops:none
Doesn't anyone want to blow up times square???
rickroll attack!"never gonna give you up! never gonna let you down! never gonna run around and desert you! never gonna make you cry! never gonna say goodbye! never gonna tell a lie and hurt you!"(search up rickroll for audio)
i need someone to help blow up times square.
I gap in an enraged Utsuho Reiuji (from Touhou) - she should absolutely level it with her nuclear fusion.
objective: blow up times squarehp:5000/10000injured:daleksparta(4post injury)deadbanned)noneshops:none@daleksparta:You deal Awesome damage! unfortunately, you also get caught in the nuclear fusion, injuring you.
come on! you can win this guys!
I call in a napalm strike on time square.
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