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9,439 posts

Is it ever acceptable?
Is it cowardice or a cry for help?
Some cultures accepted it as something of honor (namely the Japanese military in WWII). Others condemned it (namely the ancient Spartans).
Share your thoughts and opinions here.

  • 262 Replies
3,042 posts

I personally believe that suicide is one of the bravest things a person could do - it takes a... certain mental state to be able to nullify the inhibitions and fears that a lot of people have about death.

I think about my life,look back to when i thought about suicide then
i cut my arm.
3,371 posts

I have to disagree in that one. If it takes a certain mental state to make an action brave, then a murder, serial killer and terrorist also brave.

does this count for terrorists with explosive belts too?

What you guys are trying to do is make it seem as if it's not brave by comparing it to something you know we would not like. But that doesn't have to do with whether the action is brave or not. I don't like war, but does that make the soilders who participate in it cowards? No, they're still brave. I don't like terrorists, but if they did fear for their life (not the ones who do it to get into heaven), then they are brave. It was still very stupid, but brave. It's still stupid, without good reason, and misguided, but brave. Suicidal people aren't cowards. (I think we know which ones we're talking about here. We tend to think of serial killers as psycotic, so they never thought they were facing something scary in the first place, so no bravery. And for terroists, it's the same idea. They thought everything would be fine, so they're not brave.
1,826 posts

Could you answer this specific question for me? Were you ever suicidal? If so, you should be able to understand suicidal people. If not, then I can see why you don't.

If being suicidal means thinking of taking your own life then yes i 've done that but then I I just shook my hand head and focused on my problems
In my opinion there is no problem that can't be solved
1,826 posts

self defence or bullying back? the first one is good, it is ok to defend yourself after someone attacked you. but if you turn into a bully then you are not better than the people who bullied you.

I don't think bullying a bully is a bad thing
There are things far worse than bullying and we fought back until they left us alone.
I have to disagree in that one. If it takes a certain mental state to make an action brave, then a murder, serial killer and terrorist also brave.

I think there is a fine line between brave and stupid. Suicide, murder, terror and everything related are stupid.

You stole my words!
3,371 posts

If being suicidal means thinking of taking your own life then yes i 've done that but then I I just shook my hand head and focused on my problems
In my opinion there is no problem that can't be solved

I think you actually have to be serious about it. Like you really want to die. And you've thought about how it was going to happen, seriously considered doing it, that kind of thing. I don't think considering it for a of couple minutes and shaking it off counts. Not to in any way say that what you experienced wasn't difficult, I just don't think you were at the level that people who seriously consider suicide were.

In my opinion there is no problem that can't be solved

To a suicidal person, this is the solution to their problem.

I don't think bullying a bully is a bad thing
There are things far worse than bullying and we fought back until they left us alone.

Just because there are worse things, doesn't make it okay... But based on what you've told us I think what you did was fair. You only did it when they bullied you first, so...
1,826 posts

I think you actually have to be serious about it. Like you really want to die. And you've thought about how it was going to happen, seriously considered doing it, that kind of thing. I don't think considering it for a of couple minutes and shaking it off counts. Not to in any way say that what you experienced wasn't difficult, I just don't think you were at the level that people who seriously consider suicide were.

No seriously i considered it up to point of method then I shook it off
To a suicidal person, this is the solution to their problem.

An easy way out
A man comitting it is a shame for manhood
4,104 posts

An easy way out

Who says it isn't the only way out? Or the best way out?

Not to mention it isn't really your choice at all. Read this page

Some prominent points:

Over 90 percent of the people who die by suicide have a mental illness at the time of their death. And the vast majority of those mental illnesses are untreated, under-treated, or not properly treated.

People who die by suicide are not thinking clearly -- and they cannot possibly think clearly -- because their brain is not functioning properly at the time they pass away from suicide.

Their brain is giving them overwhelming signals to die.

They have a chemical imbalance in their brain, are in extreme emotional pain, and their mind is saying "you must die by suicide to end this."

They do not "choose" do die -- their mental illness causes them to die -- just like some people die from heart disease, cancer, or other things that are out of their control.

Let me draw an analogy between suicide and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): People with OCD have recurrent, overwhelming, obsessive thoughts that compel them to act in ways that others do not understand. For instance, a person with OCD may believe that his or her house is contaminated -- even though it is immaculately clean -- and thus compulsively washes his or her hands to get rid of the "germs."

So do people who are otherwise very intelligent simply "choose" to wash their hands 500 times a day?


They have a disorder and need treatment.

Now, someone with severe depression -- and untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide -- has a similar signal that their brain is sending to them, and that signal is this: you must die by suicide.

That "signal" is incessant and overwhelming.

Again, the person does not "choose" suicide; the mental illness causes the suicide.

The people who do not understand these basic, irrefutable truths about suicide are part of a serious problem -- and that problem is ignorance. And, unbelievably, many psychologists, psychiatrists, suicidologists, and members of the clergy are part of this problem -- and thus they actually perpetuate stigma instead of fighting it!
1,143 posts

I know from personal experience that a depressed person does not, and cannot, without help, think as a normal person does. I hate to sound clique and annoying, but unless you have been depressed you cannot know how that person is thinking at the point of suicide, the only thing I can liken it to is like being on some kind of drug, you aren't yourself. As the post above states, it is not a choice.

8,256 posts

That's why, following up to masters and sprooschickens posts, I don't like it when people consider suicidal people weak/coward/stupid/'shame for mankind' etc., even though I don't support suicide itself; because this attitude only makes things worse. If you think so yourself, then keep it to yourself; nobody's taking you that away. But by telling the suicidal people that they're a shame for mankind, not only are you gonna depressing them even further, but you're gonna put an additional pressure on them which will only push them faster to suicide.

...which in some way makes you jointly responsible.

255 posts

I know from personal experience that a depressed person does not, and cannot, without help, think as a normal person does. I hate to sound clique and annoying, but unless you have been depressed you cannot know how that person is thinking at the point of suicide, the only thing I can liken it to is like being on some kind of drug, you aren't yourself. As the post above states, it is not a choice.

I have been depressed for right around a year and a half at this point.. and before i started taking medication i was constantly thinking suicidal thoughts and was on the verge of taking my own life. im still not 100% recovered but i feel way better than that at this point.... if a parent doesnt really their kid is depressed than that is another issue. kids shouldnt be depressed to the point of suicide without their parents knowing... if u get help then suicide shouldnt be a problem in society, but asking for help is always the hardest part
259 posts

I think every human being should have the right to cease to exist when they please. But it doesn't really matter because you can't really prohibit anyone from suicide through the law, even though they try.

4,710 posts

I think every human being should have the right to cease to exist when they please. But it doesn't really matter because you can't really prohibit anyone from suicide through the law, even though they try.

so it is ok to pull the plug if someone in a hospital wants to die?

Suicide is Not a Choice:
People Who Die by Suicide
Do Not Choose to Die

^wow, so true that it makes me sad.
187 posts

I guess sometimes it can be an act of cowardness(is that a word lol).. but not all the time.. I mean if they have NO one there for them..then I get why they would to it. :/

4,710 posts

If you are constricted with a life of nothing but pain, agony, misery, loneliness and sorrow, if you know your life is never going to be a happy one, if you have no one, if you have nothing to live for, if you despise yourself and hate your decisions and actions, then that is when people commit suicide.
People give opinions on this thread like they know something, but if you never experienced true pain and agony that lasted for years and years without end or anything similiar with the same devastating end, then you have nothing to comment on here like you know, like you felt the same pain. It's not as easy as you might think, breaking out of that cage.
Not everybody is strong or self confident, or willful, people who are depressed and complementing suicide are usually fragile, broken and most of all, lost. If they truly have no one and their life seems over, then they will most likely commit suicide because nobody guided them to the right path or showed them the way. People commit suicide not because they want to die, but because they see it as their only way out, and sad but true that sometimes it really is the only way out.

i know how it felt, the pain, the agony, the misery, the loneliness (even if you are in a surounded by 1.000 peoples) and the sorrow. i wanted once to end my life to have some peace, to end the pain and to be in a better place. but i had luck, my mom helped me with her love, i got to another school and now i am still living.
240 posts

Suicide is more than just a cry for help. It is a statement that SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE.

Why should I get concerned with suicide? Well, I would know a lot about it. I'm 14 now, but when I was 13 (not that long ago) I had a close friend of mine who, infact, commit suicide next to our school.

Why did he do it? There's really no right awnser. As humans, we believe that because he commit suicide next to a school, then that school has problems with bullying or other things. But do we think about his/her family, grades, etc. There's no way to know why he/she would do it. They leave this world with no evidence.

I have thought about suicide myself. I dont plan on dying, and honestly, nobody really thinks about "Will I die tommorow?". We just go through our lives normally. Suicide is NOT a cowardly escape. It's a sign.

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