
262 75267
9,439 posts

Is it ever acceptable?
Is it cowardice or a cry for help?
Some cultures accepted it as something of honor (namely the Japanese military in WWII). Others condemned it (namely the ancient Spartans).
Share your thoughts and opinions here.

  • 262 Replies
1,627 posts

I agree with this one.

Than you have no empathy for other peoples' problems.

Why would you live for years,build your life for years,only to end it knowing that the one that killed you is yourself...

Because you couldn't take the pain anymore. It gets to a point where you dread getting up in the morning, because you know that you are going to be subject to more abuse. Until you have been at that point, do not judge.

Depression is a mental condition,if you cannot control yourself,you`re a weakling.

Schizophrenia is a mental condition. They can't control it. Does that make them weak? Same thing with Alzheimer's, bi-polar disorder and autism. Does that make them weak that they can't control it? Again, you show a lack of caring for the problems of others.

The strong people are the ones that lived on through life,strongly.Some who lost their parents at a young age,some that got hurt not on their own.Drug addicts,criminals,shall I say "Sinners",those are the ones that destroyed their own life,thus getting me back on "Those who can`t control themselves a.k.a. weaklings".

So you're calling anyone who is bullied a "weakling?" Does that make the bullies the "strong ones?" It's people like you who are the reason that this epidemic of bullying spreads, because you do not identify with the victim, you do not attempt to even think of what is going through their minds! People like you disgust me.

I ain't gay are u?
I ain't gay are u?

No. Note the word "think."
8,256 posts

2epression is a mental condition,if you cannot control yourself,you`re a weakling.

Depression can hit anyone, even the 'strong' ones; of course you can try and be pragmatic about it, but some simply cannot make do without help; but how does that make them despicable? It's not as easy as you assume. Most suicides could be prevented with help, so help the depressed instead of making it worse by spitting on them.

3:The Jappanese on the other hand....Well,the "Honor" sucides I actually cannot explain....I don`t know how to...That remains a mystery to me...and,honestly,it forever will...

Shame. Simply and purely. The samourai were trained by a strict honour code. Now I don't approve of it at all, but I can see why they did it.
3,371 posts

1:Why would you live for years,build your life for years,only to end it knowing that the one that killed you is yourself...

Because you feel you have nothing to live for. The life you've been building for years, was burned to the ground, stomped on, and burned some more.

2epression is a mental condition,if you cannot control yourself,you`re a weakling.

The problem here is that you think mental disorders are so easy to control.

3:The strong people are the ones that lived on through life,strongly.Some who lost their parents at a young age,some that got hurt not on their own.Drug addicts,criminals,shall I say "Sinners",those are the ones that destroyed their own life,thus getting me back on "Those who can`t control themselves a.k.a. weaklings".

I have a question for you. Have you ever experienced depression? Because I don't know one person who has that can say it was easy. Depression can get really hard, hard to the point where people feel that the only way to stop feeling pain, is to stop feeling entirly. I don't see how having feelings make you a weakling. I don't see how feeling such immense pain, and dealing with it to a point where you are sent over the edge makes you weak.

A little off topic but,

What I really don't get, is that people don't think that calling these people who are in pain weaklings, and cowards, *****, babies, and whatever else will affect them in any way. It's not going to make them feel any better about themselves or their lives. Is it suppose to snap them into reality or something? Is it to make them feel like they need to change? How are they supposed to get better if they don't have anyone to turn to? If society condems them for having emotions and feeling pain? How are they going to feel good about themselves, when there are so few people they can turn to, and who won't kick them while they're down.

I'm only speaking from my own experience. Please, let me know if it's different where you're from.
8,256 posts

What I really don't get, is that people don't think that calling these people who are in pain weaklings, and cowards, *****, babies, and whatever else will affect them in any way. It's not going to make them feel any better about themselves or their lives. Is it suppose to snap them into reality or something? Is it to make them feel like they need to change? How are they supposed to get better if they don't have anyone to turn to? If society condems them for having emotions and feeling pain? How are they going to feel good about themselves, when there are so few people they can turn to, and who won't kick them while they're down.

I don't know, it's possible that some think showing how stupid suicide is will prevent suicide, just like christianity does by condemning suicide ina an attempt to stop people from doing so. It might work in some cases, mostly in not-so-advanced cases when the person is still capable to put itself up. But imo, in most cases this kind of behaviour/treatment only adds a suplementary pression to the depressed, making it worse and in the end merely delaying the act itself.

It makes much more sense to approach persons at risk and try to help them gradually get rid of the pression; you don't have to get them out of depression, just help them get out of depression themselves.
1,707 posts

Those who end it are stupid in my opinion.
I agree with this one.
With various reasons....
1:Why would you live for years,build your life for years,only to end it knowing that the one that killed you is yourself...
2epression is a mental condition,if you cannot control yourself,you`re a weakling.
3:The strong people are the ones that lived on through life,strongly.Some who lost their parents at a young age,some that got hurt not on their own.Drug addicts,criminals,shall I say "Sinners",those are the ones that destroyed their own life,thus getting me back on "Those who can`t control themselves a.k.a. weaklings".
3:The Jappanese on the other hand....Well,the "Honor" sucides I actually cannot explain....I don`t know how to...That remains a mystery to me...and,honestly,it forever will...

Just despicable. As well as the people who think that children don't have as much to worry about as adults and the only problem kids have is bullying.

Before anyone can say this type of stuff how about you get beat every day of your life, and sexually assaulted, not fed enough, mentally attacked, have your loved ones die and some type of tragedy happen to you, then you can this type of stuff that these people are "cowards" and "weaklings". All of the above can happen to children and adults.

In my opinion for some people suicide is the correct option, if all those things (and more) happen to you literally every day for years, you're telling me that there is hope for them and they shouldn't just end it especially if they live in a third world country where they can't even speak to a psychiatrist or cops for help.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

2epression is a mental condition,if you cannot control yourself,you`re a weakling.

Actually, the opposite is true. Usually clinical depression does not happen to weak people, but is an affliction of people who are too strong.
Depression nearly always happens to a certain type of person. He or she is strong, reliable, diligent, with a strong conscience and sense of responsibility.

One in four senior police officers suffer depression
One In Five Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Suffer from major depression

Police officers, firefighters, soldiers, doctors, are more likely to get depression than a "weak" person. Depression generally hits the ambitious, confident and persistent persons.
1,826 posts

It's gotta be said, there's a difference between standing up for yourself, and 'making someones life hell'. Punisher and his friends sound more like a gang of bullies than a group of friends that stick up for each other.

Also, you seem to be under the impression that everyone can just stand up for themselves and deal with bullies, I can assure you that this is far from true.

No we did not bully anyone.
If someone messed with us with pure intention of pissing us off
(like taking someone's cash or something)
We'll straighten things up
like until they stop mesing with us
2,739 posts

No we did not bully anyone.
If someone messed with us with pure intention of pissing us off
(like taking someone's cash or something)
We'll straighten things up
like until they stop mesing with us

thepunisher keeps saying this"we" is"we" a bunch of bullies then??? and what is the difference between bullying sombody and making their life hell???? no different.the case stands,killersup does not believe the punisher that he is not a bully.
75 posts

The problem here is that you thibk mental disorders are to easy to control

I do.I`m an autist.
75 posts

...if all those things (and more) happen to you literally every day for years, you're telling me that there is hope for them and they shouldn't just end it especially if they live in a third world country where they can't even speak to a psychiatrist or cops for help.

Pretty much.
1,627 posts

Pretty much.

Fine then. Since you're obviously so dense that you can't see others problems, what is YOUR solution, huh? Do you have a better way to handle years upon years upon years of torment with no way out?
3,371 posts

I do.I`m an autist.

And it's easy to control? You feel compleatly normal with no problems at all right? You may be able to control your mental disorder easier then other people, but that's how it is with every disorder or disease. There will be people who have it harder, and people who have it easier. I can tell you for sure that there are people with autism who can't compleatly control themselves. Especially if they did not get help from some one. Which happens to be the case with many suicidal depressed people.
2,226 posts

I think that ideally people should be trying to help people who feel so bad about themselves that they don't want to live anymore. Unfortunately, our world isn't so kind. Maybe if we didn't live in a world plagued by war, poverty, and oppressive governments, people wouldn't feel like this.

27 posts

Suicide is the worst thing you can do.

3,085 posts

Suicide is the worst thing you can do.

How so? In some situations, it's quite an honourable thing to do, and in others it can end a whole lot of pain and suffering.
Showing 121-135 of 262