Hello, this RPG is for people who want to build their empire, and become strong enough to unite the fallen lands of Centra! Whoever is mighty enough to bring peace will be crowned emperor!
Rules: 1. You may make alliances and join them. 2. Whichever alliance reaches a certain collaborated score, that whole alliance will be crowned emperor alliance. 3. You do not need to be in an alliance to be crowned emperor, however being in an alliance helps greatly. 4. If 2 or more alliances reach the designated score to become emperors, hey will have to wage war if they want to become emperors. whichever alliance kills off the other alliance(s) completely, to the point of critical, or to the point of surrender that alliance will be crowned emperor. 5. You may improvise on these rules but if you do please ask me first. you can contact me by using this link: [url=http://armorgames.com/user/bicola1] 6. Every time you post, you will be required to put your character sheet somewhere in the post.(if this is too annoying don't forget to speak up! 7. Most importantly, have fun!!!
This is the sheet (I might improvise it a little): Name: Level: Building number: Resource building material: Resource army material: Resource food: score:
Copy and paste this I will change this every time you do something, and I will post your name and this chart and your stats.