ForumsForum GamesBuild your Empire and unite the fallen lands of Centra!

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Hello, and welcome. This RPG is for people who want to build their empire, and become strong enough to unite the fallen lands of Centra! Whoever is mighty enough to bring peace will be crowned emperor!

You will start with 500 Building Material, or BM as I like to call it. You use this building material for building everything. for example, the list of game buildings show how much BM cost is per building.

House= 100 BM
Barracks= 100 BM
BM mines= 50 BM
Marketplace= 150 BM

1. You may make alliances and join them.
2. Whichever alliance reaches a certain collaborated score, that whole alliance will be crowned emperor alliance.
3. You do not need to be in an alliance to be crowned emperor, however being in an alliance helps greatly, because you can send BM and army to people who really need it.
4. If 2 or more alliances reach the designated score to become emperors, hey will have to wage war if they want to become emperors. whichever alliance kills off the other alliance(s) completely, to the point of critical, or to the point of surrender that alliance will be crowned emperor.
5. You may improvise on these rules but if you do please ask me first. you can contact me by using this link: [url=]
6. Most importantly, have fun!!!

Armies are divided into 2 groups, Offence armies and Defense armies. Offence armies are strictly for attacking people, and cannot be used for defense. Defense armies are strictly for defense, and can be used to defend your city from invaders. The more barracks you have, the more of each unit you can have. recruiting does NOT cost anything. however, in order to recruit you need to have space, and in order to have space, you need to build barracks.

If you want to attack someone, send resources to someone, or anything of that sort, just say so. it will arrive instantly, so the pace of this game will be fairly fast.

The things below will be explained as to what they do.

House - increases the population of your empire by 20.
Barracks - give you the ability to recruit more soldiers.(50 per barracks, offence or defense)
BM mines - give you more BM per day. Every BM mine gives 100 BM per day. ([i]APPROXIMATELY 1 DAY
Marketplace - gives people the ability to shop, which is a must have for any empire, as it ears you gold, and it makes your population a little happier.(100 gold per day)
happiness - how happy your empire is. if happiness is too low, people will work less, and wont give as much money at the marketplace. If happiness is very high, people will give more gold and work harder.(Armies will also fight harder if happiness is high.)

List of all the buildings in the game (This might be improvised):
BM mine

List of all the titles in the game:

There is no maxim number of buildings, you can build as much as you want!

Gold is used for buying. you can buy BM, or already finished buildings. I will post what is on sale when, so check in every once in a while, I might have a good deal for you. There is usually a tax, for example:

$1,200 per 1000 BM

That is a regular price for BM. it is 1,200 gold for 1000 BM. If you don't want to wait for tomorrow to get your BM, you can get it instantly by buying it here!

Character Sheet

NameChoose a name. any one works.)
Titlestart with sir, i'll rank you up as you evolve.)
Allianceif you are not in an alliance, put none.)
Population: (start with 20, once you build more houses I will add more.)
Building number: (start with one, and then when u add more i will calculate it.)
BM: (how much building material.)
Happiness of your empire: (happiness. this is the start:
|------------ |
Goldi'll upgrade your gold per day once you build a MP. start 0)

Guys if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or innovations, feel free to tall me.

Your friend, bicola1.

  • 543 Replies
1,285 posts

I offer Thluron to join my allience the spartans.

I offer Daylin to join my alliance.

I offer Mavrick4 to join my allience.

12,319 posts

I think the best place for recruitment of alliances is user comments, not this thread. Anyway:

Name: Patrick2011
Title: duke
Alliance:the spartans (2800)
Population: 780/780
Building number: 217
BM: 0 (5850/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 0 (3200/day)
Score: 1500
Army Space: 0
Army: 2990 (O), 2290 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.

I recruit 3500 army, 2000 offensive and 1500 defensive.

259 posts

Name: Daylin
Title: Sir
Alliance: None
Population: 20/20
Building number: 1
BM: 500
Happiness of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 0

1,285 posts

Name: Mine owner
Title: DUKE
Alliance: The spartans (2800!!!)
Population: 410/420
Building number: 57
BM: 9500 (3000/day)(+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 15/15
Gold:1250 (300/day)
Army space:-50
Army: 0(D) 275(O)
Reasearch: Sharp roofs, advanced defence, advanced offense, advanced mines.

patrick i could use some troops here. maybe 500 defensive will be good.

12,319 posts

Name: Patrick2011
Title: duke
Alliance:the spartans (2800)
Population: 780/780
Building number: 217
BM: 0 (5850/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 0 (3200/day)
Score: 1500
Army Space: 0
Army: 2990 (O), 1790 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.

I send 500 defensive army to godandd.

1,715 posts

the new unlocks are achievements. at first, i will only have a few. then, i will think of more. achievements are things that are usually hard to get, but that give you BM, gold, or both.

The jump: jumping 2000+ score with only one post 500 BM, 100 gold
The big city: getting 100+ building number 600 BM
the king: conquering someone 10,000 BM, and 5,000 gold
pocket burner: keeping 15,000 BM or gold lying around in your empire without spending them. 7,500 BM, 1000 gold.


supreme Emperor...30,000

I think that its unfair that evil Bi is getting attacked before he can make his move, so Evil Bicola makes his move before mav attacks. if this does not seem right, i have made it fair by not letting bicola's nice twin give support Bi's evil twin, or even make a move.
Before attack:

New Sheet:
Name: bicola's evil twin
Title: DUKE
Alliance: Sons of war (3700)
Population: 80/80
Building number:41
BM: 0 (2100/day)
Morale of your empire: 9/15
Army space:0
Army:400(O) 1500(D)

build 30 barracks and then build 1 house. hire 1500 defensive units, until i get more BM, then build more offensive.

Troops sent: 1000
Troops stationed in city:1500
Buildings damaged:1 BM mine
Death toll: mav had all his attack killed, and evil Bi had 1100 killed. 10 civilians killed.
BM looted:none
Gold looted: 50

not bad, but could send more next time. save up a lot, and completely obliterate him.

After attack:
New Sheet:
Name: bicola's evil twin
Title: DUKE
Alliance: Sons of war (3700)
Population: 70/80
Building number:40
BM: 2000 (2000/day)
Morale of your empire: 7/15
Army space:1000
Army:900(O) 900(D)
i build another 20 barracks, for a total of 1000 space.500 D and 500 O

Name: Mav
Title: duke
Alliance: None
Population: 280/280
Building number: 58
BM: 2000 (1500/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 1000(100/day)
Score: 2565!!!
Army space: 0
Army: 900(D), 0(O)
Achievements: The jump

mav, you have become duke! +100 score for the attack! Congrats on your humongous score jump! for that you receive an achievement award of 500BM, and 100 gold!

Name: Mine owner
Title: DUKE
Alliance: The spartans (7040!!!)
Population: 420/420
Building number: 104!!
BM: 8400 (3000/day)(+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 13/15
Gold:1550 (300/day)
Army space:2300
Army: 500(D) 275(O)
Reasearch: Sharp roofs, advanced defence, advanced offense, advanced mines.
Achievements: The big city

i could't do exactly half, so i chose to give you more BM, and less barracks. you have got the achievement The Big City! your prize: 600 BM

Name: Patrick2011
Title: duke
Alliance:the spartans (7040)
Population: 780/780
Building number: 217
BM: 6950 (5850/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 3300 (3200/day)
Score: 5450
Army Space: 3500
Army: 2990 (O), 1290 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.
Achievements: The Big City, The Jump

For your achievement you get 600 BM! you have achieved the jump, just now! 500 BM, 100 gold!

Name: Thluron
Title: Squire
Alliance: None
Population: 60/60
Building number: 7
BM: 600 (200/day)
Morale of your empire: 11/15
Gold: 600 (100/day)
Score: 230
Army space: 0
Army: 60(D) 40(O)
Research: sticky material, sharp roofs

build something!

Name: bicola's nice twin
Title: LORD
Alliance: Sons of war (3700)
Population: 80/80
Building number: 63
BM:0 (3300/day) (+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 13/15
Gold:0 (500/day)
Score: 6500
Army space:
Army: 850(D) 7850(O)
Research: advanced houses, advanced mines
Achievements: The jump, The big CIty

build 120 barracks, for all my BM, turn all my gold to 2050 BM, and build another 20 barracks, and then 1 BM mine. for the jump, you get 500 and 100, and for the big city another 600! build 5 barracks, and then turn my gold to BM, and build another mine. hire 250 defensive, and 7000 offensive. you are now LORD!


again, sorry for the late post. i was going to post it on time, however i had some unexpected guests, and i had to delay.

P.S. can anyone co-run the game with me? I need someone who knows about the game, possibly even played it, who can be honest, and not cheat, who logs in at least every other day, and who can be the game runner while i am gone.

1,715 posts

the new sheet with the title! new research topics available!

Here are the research topics:
Sharp roofs gold:50 BM:150
Sticky material (acts like cement to make items made of stone harder to destroy.)Gold:150 BM:300
Advanced houses: (makes houses nicer to sleep in, and increases morale. it also makes them a little stronger. once purchased, works with all houses)Gold:200 BM:500
Advanced mine: (Makes mines make 50 more BM per day Gold:300 BM:500
advanced Defense (makes defense stronger)(gold:200 BM: 700)
Advanced offence (makes offense stronger)(gold: 250 BM: 700)
Advanced scouting (makes you able to scout first, giving you a tactical advantage. this is very important for targeted assaults.) Gold:750 BM: 1550
Wall: (makes all of your empire stronger, including the buildings, and your armies.) Gold: 600 BM: 1200
Advanced wall: (puts towers on the wall, making it stronger, and increasing your defense.) Gold:500 BM:1000
Siegeing weapon: (a weapon that makes it very easy to destroy enemy buildings.) Gold: 500 BM: 1250
baron (the ability to take over ones city, if it destroys the defensive army, and add the person's empire to his/her own.) GOLD: 1000 BM: 2500

1,715 posts

sorry, again, a little number that i needed to correct.

Here are the research topics:
Sharp roofs gold:50 BM:150
Sticky material (acts like cement to make items made of stone harder to destroy.)Gold:150 BM:300
Advanced houses: (makes houses nicer to sleep in, and increases morale. it also makes them a little stronger. once purchased, works with all houses)Gold:200 BM:500
Advanced mine: (Makes mines make 50 more BM per day Gold:300 BM:500
advanced Defense (makes defense stronger)(gold:200 BM: 700)
Advanced offence (makes offense stronger)(gold: 250 BM: 700)
Advanced scouting (makes you able to scout first, giving you a tactical advantage. this is very important for targeted assaults.) Gold:750 BM: 1500
Wall: (makes all of your empire stronger, including the buildings, and your armies.) Gold: 600 BM: 1200
Advanced wall: (puts towers on the wall, making it stronger, and increasing your defense.) Gold:500 BM:1000
Siegeing weapon: (a weapon that makes it very easy to destroy enemy buildings.) Gold: 500 BM: 1250
baron (the ability to take over ones city, if it destroys the defensive army, and add the person's empire to his/her own.) GOLD: 1000 BM: 2500

12,319 posts

Name: Patrick2011
Title: duke
Alliance:the spartans (7040)
Population: 1180/1180
Building number: 325
BM: 0 (9600/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 0 (4500/day)
Score: 5450
Army Space: 2500
Army: 2990 (O), 1790 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.
Achievements: The Big City, The Jump

I will buy 3250 BM for 3300 gold. Then, I will build 25 BM mines, 13 marketplaces, 20 houses, and 50 barracks. I have updated my sheet accordingly as well as making some corrections.

1,715 posts

New Achievements!
Overcrowded - have 1000+ people in your empire! 750 BM
The HUGE Relic - have 500+ building number. 1250 BM
caravan - give 1500 or more BM, or Gold to a single player of your alliance. 1000 BM, 500 gold
Drill Baby Drill! - get 5000+ BM/day. 1000 BM

Name: Patrick2011
Title: duke
Alliance:the spartans (7040)
Population: 1160/1160
Building number: 325
BM: 1750 (9600/day)
Morale of your empire: 8/15
Gold: 0 (4500/day)
Score: 5490
Army Space: 2500
Army: 2990 (O), 1790 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.
Achievements: The Big City, The Jump, Overcrowded, Drill Baby Drill

congratulations on achieving the "Overcrowded" achievement, and the Drill Baby Drill achievement! you get 1750 BM!

People have started to complain, and even riot about the intense taxation, and many have started to desert, to a different land. you are -20 people from your total.

As the people are wandering around they find a small city suited for living. they move into that city, and find that the owner is a man named Mav.

Maverick4, you are +20 people total!

Name: Mav
Title: duke
Alliance: The Confedaracy
Population: 300/300
Building number: 58
BM: 2000 (1500/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 1000(100/day)
Score: 2585!!!
Army space: 0
Army: 900(D), 0(O)
Achievements: The jump

2,157 posts

Name: Thluron
Title: Squire
Alliance: None
Population: 60/60
Building number: 7
BM: 600 (200/day)
Morale of your empire: 11/15
Gold: 600 (100/day)
Score: 230
Army space: 0
Army: 60(D) 40(O)
Research: Sticky material, Sharp roofs

[I apologize for not being on for such a long time. I've been busy. ]

I'll build as many houses as I can, for now.

12,319 posts

Name: Patrick2011
Title: duke
Alliance:the spartans (7040)
Population: 1500/1500
Building number: 342
BM: 0 (9600/day)
Morale of your empire: 8/15
Gold: 0 (4500/day)
Score: 5490
Army Space: 2500
Army: 2990 (O), 1790 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.
Achievements: The Big City, The Jump, Overcrowded, Drill Baby Drill

I will build 17 houses and give 50 BM to godandd.

1,285 posts

Name: Mine owner
Title: DUKE
Alliance: The spartans (7040!!!)
Population: 420/420
Building number: 104!!
BM: 8400 (3000/day)(+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 13/15
Gold:1550 (300/day)
Army space:2300
Army: 500(D) 275(O)
Reasearch: Sharp roofs, advanced defence, advanced offense, advanced mines.
Achievements: The big city

I reqruit 1150 on both defensive and offensive.

1,715 posts

Name: Thluron
Title: Earl
Alliance: None
Population: 180/180
Building number: 13
BM: 200 (200/day)
Morale of your empire: 11/15
Gold: 700 (100/day)
Score: 410
Army space: 0
Army: 60(D) 40(O)
Research: Sticky material, Sharp roofs

No problem. you are now earl! you have a request to join 2 alliances! which do you choose? on one side is the 2 man spartan alliance, and on the other is the one man The Confederacy alliance. alliance #1 is made of Godandd, and patrick, and the 2nd is made of just maverick4.

Name: Patrick2011
Title: Lord
Alliance:the spartans (8760)
Population: 1500/1500
Building number: 342
BM: 9600 (9600/day)
Morale of your empire: 8/15
Gold: 4500 (4500/day)
Score: 7160
Army Space: 2500
Army: 2990 (O), 1790 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.
Achievements: The Big City, The Jump, Overcrowded, Drill Baby Drill.
Given: 50 BM, 500 gold

i forgot to calculate your score from last time. you are now lord!

Name: bicola's nice twin
Title: LORD
Alliance: Sons of war (3700)
Population: 80/80
Building number: 85
BM:100(4800/day +200 TEMP) (+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 14/15
Gold:50(700/day +100 TEMP)
Score: 7240
Army space:0
Army: 1350(D) 7850(O)
Research: advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offence, advanced defence.
Achievements: The jump, The big City
Given: 100 BM, 50 Gold

I build 2 marketplaces, and 10 barracks, 10 mines, hire 500 D army, and I research advanced D and O. then give 100 BM, and 50 god to Evil BI.

Your empire is very happy! you get More BM and gold!

Name: bicola's evil twin
Title: DUKE
Alliance: Sons of war (3700)
Population: 100/100
Building number:46
BM: 0 (2000/day)
Morale of your empire: 8/15
Army space:0
Army:1000(O) 1000(D)
Research: advanced defense, advanced offence.

I build a research center, and research advanced D and O. build 2 marketplaces and a house. buy 200 BM for 250 gold, and build 2 barracks. then train 100 D and O.

Name: Mav
Title: duke
Alliance: The confederacy
Building number: 58
BM: 3500 (1500/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 1100(100/day)
Score: 2565!!!
Army space: 0
Army: 900(D), 0(O)
Achievements: The jump

Name: Mine owner
Title: DUKE
Alliance: The spartans (8760!!!)
Population: 420/420
Building number: 104!!
BM: 11700 (3000/day +250 TEMP)(+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 14/15
Gold:1850 (300/day +100 TEMP)
Army space:2300
Army: 500(D) 275(O)
Reasearch: Sharp roofs, advanced defence, advanced offense, advanced mines.
Achievements: The big city

your empire is getting a morale boost! you have a high happiness! more BM and gold for you!


Guys, again, i need someone to co-run the game with me. please respond yes or no, or what you think of the topic.

1,715 posts

the elites - 10,000 alliance score 1000 BM and 500 gold to each alliance member
The pros - 30,000 collaborated score! 10,000 BM, divided among the alliance members equally.
THE GODS!!! - 100,000 collaborated score! 100,000 BM and gold for everyone in the alliance!

Name: Patrick2011
Title: Lord
Alliance:the spartans (8760)
Population: 1500/1500
Building number: 342
BM: 10,600 (9600/day)
Morale of your empire: 8/15
Gold: 5000 (4500/day)
Score: 7160
Army Space: 2500
Army: 2990 (O), 1790 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense.
Achievements: The Big City, The Jump, Overcrowded, Drill Baby Drill, the elites.
Given: 50 BM, 500 gold

you have been granted 1000 BM and 500 gold thanks to the new achievements!

Name: Mine owner
Title: DUKE
Alliance: The spartans (11200)
Population: 420/420
Building number: 104!!
BM: 9400 (3000/day)(+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 13/15
Gold:2050 (300/day)
Army space:0
Army: 1650(D) 1425(O)
Reasearch: Sharp roofs, advanced defence, advanced offense, advanced mines.
Achievements: The big city, the Elites

you have been granted 1000 BM and 500 gold thanks to the new achievements!

Showing 196-210 of 543