Here are the research topics:
Sharp roofs gold:50 BM:150
Sticky material (acts like cement to make items made of stone harder to destroy.)Gold:150 BM:300
Advanced houses: (makes houses nicer to sleep in, and increases morale. it also makes them a little stronger. once purchased, works with all houses)Gold:200 BM:500
Advanced mine: (Makes mines make 50 more BM per day Gold:500 BM:1000
advanced Defense (makes defense stronger)(gold:500 BM: 1700)
Advanced offence (makes offense stronger)(gold: 750 BM: 1900)
Advanced scouting (makes you able to scout first, giving you a tactical advantage. this is very important for targeted assaults.) Gold:1000 BM: 2500
Wall: (makes all of your empire stronger, including the buildings, and your armies.) Gold: 600 BM: 1200
Mage tower: lvl 1 (The mage temple allows you to do many different things such as purify resources, Reincarnate your dead, or even use powerful spells on your enemy!...for a price. the higher the levels, the better spells it can do.)
Mage temple lvl 2 (The mage temple allows you to do many different things such as purify resources, Reincarnate your dead, or even use powerful spells on your enemy!...for a price. the higher the levels, the better spells it can do.)
Advanced wall: (puts towers on the wall, making it stronger, and increasing your defense.) Gold:1250 BM:3000
Siegeing weapon: (a weapon that makes it very easy to destroy enemy buildings.) Gold: 1500 BM: 5000
Supreme Emperor:
baron: (the ability to take over ones city, if it destroys the defensive army, and add the person's empire to his/her own.) GOLD: 10,000 BM: 30,000 AND TAKES 3 DAYS TO FINISH TRAINING.
Mage Temple lvl 3(The mage temple allows you to do many different things such as purify resources, Reincarnate your dead, or even use powerful spells on your enemy!...for a price. the higher the levels, the better spells it can do.)
Name: Mine owner
Title: Archbishop
Alliance: The spartans (39,650)(NAP w/ the confederacy)
Population: 1360/1360
Building number: 312!!
BM: 127,400 (10,500/day +1000 TEMP)(+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 16/15
Gold:35,500 (300/day +500 TEMP)
Army space:0
Army: 5200(D) 800(O) 6000 (in daylin's city)
Reasearch: Sharp roofs, advanced defence, advanced offense, advanced mines, sticky material, advanced scouting, wall.
Achievements: The big city, the Elites,the PROS,pocket burner,the king, the jump, Overcrowded, Drill Baby Drill, THE RICH GUY
I stay in the city. I am confident that i can destroy any rebelion.
Name: bicola's nice twin
Title: Archbishop
Alliance: Sons of war (22,300)
Population: 80/80
Building number: 85
BM:6,500(10,050/day +700 TEMP) (+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 15/15
Gold:3650(5000/day +300 TEMP)
Score: 16500
Army space:3250
Army: 6200(D) 10,000(O)
Research: advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offence, advanced defence.
Achievements: The jump, The big City
Given: 100 BM, 50 Gold
buy 3600 BM for 3650 gold, and then buy 40 barracks. recruit 2000 offensive army, and switch 150 defensive w/ offensive. research advanced scouting, and scout godandd's area before attacking.
Name: bicola's evil twin
Title: LORD
Alliance: Sons of war (24,780)
Population: 100/100
Building number:46
BM: 0 (2000/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Army space:0
Army:4000(D) 1000(O)
Research: advanced defense, advanced offence.
i give 1000 of my gold to bicola's Nice twin.
Units in city: 5200
Description. units are in the middle, in one huge bunch.
Best tactic: ambush
Recommended tactic: attack from all sides.