units sent: 16,000
units in city: 20,000
buildings damaged: none
Death toll: 15,000 (mine owner), and 16,000 (bicola's evil twin)
Gold looted: none
BM looted: none
Attack result: fended off at the wall, every time.
Name: Mine owner
Title: Archbishop
Alliance: The Spartans (104,050)(NAP w/ the confederacy)
Population: 1360/1260
Building number: 512!!
BM: 132,300 (10,500/day +100 TEMP)(+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 13/15
Gold:750 (300/day)
Army space:0
Army: 27,750(D) 0(O) 6000 (in daylin's city)
Research: Sharp roofs, advanced defense, advanced offense, advanced mines, sticky material, advanced scouting, wall, mage tower 1
Achievements: The big city, the Elites,the PROS,pocket burner,the king, the jump, Overcrowded, Drill Baby Drill, THE RICH GUY, the HUGE relic, THE GODS
Name: Thluron
Title: lord
Alliance: The Confederacy (64,700)(NAP w/ The Spartans)
Population: 1540/1540
Building number: 17
BM: 21,000 (10,050/day +400 TEMP)
Morale of your empire: 14/15
Gold: 2800 (5000/day +400 TEMP)
Score: 21,330
Army space: 0
Army: 11790(D) 4410(O)
Research: Sticky material, Sharp roofs, Advanced houses, Advanced mines, Advanced defense, Advanced offense.
Name: Mav
Title: Archbishop
Alliance: The Confederacy (64,700)(NAP w/ The Spartans)
Population: 1000/1000
Building number: 504
BM: 22,950 (10,000/day)
Morale of Your Empire: 13/15
Gold: 9800 (3200/day)
Score: 69,370
Army Space: 0
Army: 36,000(D), 5000(O)
Achievements: The Jump, The Big City, Drill Baby Drill, The Elites, Pocket Burner, The HUGE Relic.
Research: Wall, Advanced Scouting, Advanced Offence, Advanced Houses, Sticky Material, Sharp Roofs, Siege Weapon, Advanced Wall, Mage Temple: Lvl 1,2
Given: 350 Gold, 1000 BM
Name: Patrick2011
Title: Archbishop
Alliance:the spartans (104,050)(NAP w/ the confederacy)
Population: 10000/10000
Building number: 1618
BM: 140,300 (10,000/day)
Morale of your empire: 9/15
Gold: 15200 (5000/day)
Score: 64,650
Army Space: 0
Army: 23,190 (O), 16,790 (D)
Research: sharp roofs, sticky material, advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offense, advanced defense, advanced scouting, wall, Mage Tower lvl 1, Mage Temple lvl 2.
Achievements: The Big City, The Jump, Overcrowded, Drill Baby Drill, the elites, The HUGE Relic, pocket burner, the pros, THE GODS, RICH GUY
Given: 50 BM, 600 gold
Name: Daylin (conquered by: Mine owner)
Title: Sir
Alliance: Sons of war (129,370)
Population: 20/20
Building number: 8
BM: 121,800(700 -350 TEMP/day)
Happiness of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 500 (100 -50 TEMP/day)
Research: none
achievements: The elites, the Pros, pocket burner, RICH GUY, THE GODS!!!
Name: bicola's nice twin
Title: Archbishop
Alliance: Sons of war (129,370)
Population: 80/80
Building number: 2001
BM:200(10,050/day +700 TEMP) (+150/mine)
Morale of your empire: 15/15
Gold:1,050(5000/day +300 TEMP)
Score: 133,550
Army space:0
Army: 21,200(D) 27,500(O)
Research: advanced houses, advanced mines, advanced offence, advanced defence.
Achievements: The jump, The big City, the elites, the pro's, the GODS!
Given: 100 BM, 50 Gold
buy 20,000 BM for 20,050 gold.
buy 1400 barracks, and hire 40,000 D and 30,000 O
Name: bicola's evil twin
Title: Archbishop
Alliance: Sons of war (129,370)
Population: 100/100
Building number:1246
BM: 150 (10,050/day)
Morale of your empire: 10/15
Gold: 7,600(3000/day)
Army space:0
Army:30,000(D) 39,000(O)
Research: advanced defense, advanced offence.
Achievements: The jump, the big city, the HUGE relic, the rich guy, the GODS, the pros, the elites,
Given: 1000 gold
build 1200 barracks, and recruit 26,000 D army, and the rest O.
all the things are getting changed. (snow, i'm going to send you the update, ok?)
here are the new lists:
1st of all, BIG rollback on titles.
here are the new ones:
sir: start
Archbishop: 50,000
Prince: 150,000
King: 500,000
emperor: 1,000,000
supreme emperor: 1,500,000
i know this is a lot, but i don't have a lot of titles left :/
2ndly, MAJOR rollback on score for armies. i have realized, that as you get very strong, you will get more and more BM. and when you build armies, it REALLY adds up. for example:
if you have 100,000 BM, you can build 1,000 barracks, and can hire 50,000 armies. that's +50,000 to score. that's a lot, so i am Rolling back this big jump score by only giving you half the score as you normally would get. for example:
100,000 BM = 1,000 Barracks = 50,000 army = +25,000 score.
The jump: jumping 2000+ score with only one post 500 BM, 100 gold
The big city: getting 100+ building number 600 BM
the king: conquering someone 25,000 BM, and 7,500 gold
pocket burner: keeping 15,000 BM or gold lying around in your empire without spending them. 7,500 BM, 1000 gold.
the elites - 10,000 alliance score 1000 BM and 500 gold to each alliance member
The pros - 30,000 collaborated score! 10,000 BM, divided among the alliance members equally.
THE GODS!!! - 100,000 collaborated score! 100,000 BM and gold for everyone in the alliance!
Overcrowded - have 1000+ people in your empire! 750 BM
The HUGE Relic - have 500+ building number. 1250 BM
caravan - give 1500 or more BM, or Gold to a single player of your alliance. 1000 BM, 500 gold
Drill Baby Drill! - get 5000+ BM/day. 1000 BM
THE RICH GUY - have 100,000 BM or gold at once. 25,000 BM and gold.
the mage temple can do abilities. here they are:
Purify resources, power 1: purifying either gold or BM makes a universal resource, which can be used anywhere, as anything. Gold or BM. Cost: 100 gold or BM, for 50 purified, power 1. (the more powers, the more it can do.)
Enlighten, power 1: enlightenment helps make your empire happier, if you are in need of a quick morale bonus. Cost: 5,000 per 1 number higher. (the more power, the more it can do.)
Switch: switching enables you to swap between offense, defense, and population. for example: i use switch to move 3000 offensive to defensive. (i know i let you do this earlier, but no more.) COST: 1000 BM per switch.
Mage temples, LEVEL 2
What can it do?
(read the Mage level 1 before you read this one!)
list of abilities:
Purify, Power 2 - in this power, the resources can be turned back into regular resources, with a 100% refund, and also can GROW OVER TIME!!! it's growth rate for this power is the number of purified resources you have, x2 a day. (hey, that can add up!)[must be power 2 though!]
if you have 100 purified, it grows 200 a day. morale does not effect growth. COST: 500 per 50 purified.
enlighten, power 2 - now, the enlightenment can earn you +2#s per 2,000 BM, AND can make you have a TEMPORARY +100/day gold and BM FOR 1 DAY!!! COST: 2,000 BM or gold per 2#s
Long rage attack, power 1- this is a attack that acts like a mortar. it fires a long range blast, that can destroy foes up to 1,000 strong! COST: 5,000 er blast, 3 page cool down.
Here are the research topics:
Sharp roofs gold:50 BM:150
Sticky material (acts like cement to make items made of stone harder to destroy.)Gold:150 BM:300
Advanced houses: (makes houses nicer to sleep in, and increases morale. it also makes them a little stronger. once purchased, works with all houses)Gold:200 BM:500
Advanced mine: (Makes mines make 50 more BM per day Gold:500 BM:1000
advanced Defense (makes defense stronger)(gold:500 BM: 1700)
Advanced offence (makes offense stronger)(gold: 750 BM: 1900)
Advanced scouting (makes you able to scout first, giving you a tactical advantage. this is very important for targeted assaults.) Gold:1000 BM: 2500
Wall: (makes all of your empire stronger, including the buildings, and your armies.) Gold: 600 BM: 1200
Mage tower: lvl 1 (The mage temple allows you to do many different things such as purify resources, Reincarnate your dead, or even use powerful spells on your enemy!...for a price. the higher the levels, the better spells it can do.)
Prince: gods' call (allows the user to summon the gods' force to instantly have 10,000 super soldiers! COST: 100,000 BM. COOLDOWN 5 PAGES!
Mage temple lvl 2 (The mage temple allows you to do many different things such as purify resources, Reincarnate your dead, or even use powerful spells on your enemy!...for a price. the higher the levels, the better spells it can do.)
Advanced wall: (puts towers on the wall, making it stronger, and increasing your defense.) Gold:1250 BM:3000
Siegeing weapon: (a weapon that makes it very easy to destroy enemy buildings.) Gold: 1500 BM: 5000
baron: (the ability to take over ones city, if it destroys the defensive army, and add the person's empire to his/her own.) GOLD: 10,000 BM: 30,000 AND TAKES 3 DAYS TO FINISH TRAINING.
Mage Temple lvl 3(The mage temple allows you to do many different things such as purify resources, Reincarnate your dead, or even use powerful spells on your enemy!...for a price. the higher the levels, the better spells it can do.)
Supreme Emperor: mage tower level 4... you know the drill...