In this game, you are supposed to guess sentences and letters in them. The sentence will begin with 4 starting letters and each of their appearances included. Other letters will appear as dashes. For example:
If the sentence was Gold king is the best rank and the starting letters were R, B, S, and O, it would appear like this:
-o-- ---- -s --- b-s- r---.
If you think you know the sentence, post it as an attempt. If you are correct, you win. Otherwise, nothing happens. If you don't want to guess the sentence yet, you can guess a letter that has not been used. I will include letters that have been used in each of my posts.
I will also keep score across the entire forum game. When you guess a letter, each appearance is worth 1 point. If you correctly guess the sentence, you gain 10 points and I will begin the next sentence.
The --r --rr-e- -e -o-n the -treet ----- -e-ore the -r--er -t-rt- ------n- -n- ---h t----n- on the tre--hero-- --e. --n----, the -r--er -r--he- he-- on -n- - -- thro-n thro--h the --r. -hen - --n-, -'- not -e-- -et!
The -ar -arrie- -e -o-n the -treet a-a-- -e-ore the -ri-er -tart- --i--in- an- -i-h tai-in- on the trea-hero-- i-e. -ina---, the -ri-er -ra-he- hea- on an- I a- thro-n thro--h the air. -hen I -an-, I'- not -ea- -et!
The -ar -arries -e -o-n the street a-a-s -e-ore the -ri-er starts s-i--in- an- -ish tai-in- on the trea-herous i-e. -ina---, the -ri-er -rashes hea- on an- I a- thro-n throu-h the air. -hen I -an-, I'- not -ea- -et!
The car carries -e -o-n the street a-a-s -e-ore the -ri-er starts s-i--in- an- -ish tailin- on the treacherous ice. -inall-, the -ri-er crashes hea- on an- I a- thro-n throu-h the air. -hen I lan-, I'- not -ea- -et!
The car carries me -o-n the street a-a-s -e-ore the -ri-er starts s-i--in- an- -ish tailin- on the treacherous ice. -inall-, the -ri-er crashes hea- on an- I am thro-n throu-h the air. -hen I lan-, I'm not -ea- -et!
The car carries me -o-n the street a-a-s -e-ore the -ri-er starts s-i--in- an- -ish tailin- on the treacherous ice. -inall-, the -ri-er crashes hea- on an- I am thro-n throu-h the air. -hen I lan-, I'm not -ea- -et!
The car carries me down the street awa-s -e-ore the dri-er starts s-iddin- and -ish tailin- on the treacherous ice. -inall-, the dri-er crashes head on and I am thrown throu-h the air. When I land, I'm not dead -et!
The car carries me down the street awa-s -e-ore the dri-er starts s-idding and -ish tailing on the treacherous ice. -inall-, the dri-er crashes head on and I am thrown through the air. When I land, I'm not dead -et!