You or a group of people have crash landed in your space ship. in an amazing stroke of luck, Not only to you servive the crash but you crash on a planet that you can breath on. You must gather what you can from the wreck and maybe somehow somewhere, A old friend may still be alive...
Charecter sheet:
Name: Weponsthink of something futureistic a foot soilder might have) Perk: Party: Age: (Must be at least 16) Armor: (you start off with just a common tshirt and pants unless born leader, then leather armor.) Health: 10 to start out. Intelegence:5 (10 if smart ***)
The perks are:
Happy go lucky, you are a optimistic person and can make a bad situation seem ok. this gives a bonus to party chance.
Military veteran: as a military veteran you are the tank, the ****** of the group. you get bounus for wepon dammage.
Born leader: as a born leader you get better protection and alot of respect. you get bonus for armor and start out with leather instead of common clothes.
MEDIC!: Instead of having a offensive/ defensive trait, you get the coolest of both worlds with your healing powers.
Born survivor: you have more health because of well, your a survivor.
Smart ***: you are almost to intelegent for your own good. +5 more intelegence then you would be without this perk.
Name: Bicola Rogers Wepons: A ZAT gun Perk: Military Veteran Party:??? what should i put??? Age: 23 Armor: common t-shirt and pants Health: 10 Intelegence:5
for party its simply more of a thing later when more people join, you can just put: crew members their for now.
Name: Bicola Rogers Wepons: A ZAT gun Perk: Military Veteran Party:??? what should i put??? Age: 23 Armor: common t-shirt and pants Health: 10 Intelegence:5
The first thing you notice is a watering hole, right in front of you face. However you hear a growl somwhere to your left. A.You could eather ignore it B.shoot randomly in the left direction D.or just stare in that direction making it clear your not afraid E.of course you could do somthing else i did not think of.
Name: Bicola Rogers Wepons: A ZAT gun Perk: Military Veteran Party:??? what should i put??? Age: 23 Armor: common t-shirt and pants Health: 10 Intelegence:5
As you look at the direction of the growl, you see some wolflike animal that seems to thing your indruding his teritory.
Aemesticate him B:FINISH HIM! (kill it) C:Run D:Hide
Name: Bicola Rogers Wepons: A ZAT gun Perk: Military Veteran Party:??? what should i put??? Age: 23 Armor: common t-shirt and pants Health: 10 Intelegence:5
As you stun the creature his other pack mates come out, you can tell by the look on their face that you should have killed the pack leader, (the one you stuned) besides, if you kill the wolf you stuned the wolfs will think of you as their new pack leader.
A: Just finish what you started and finish the poor defenceless wolf. B: Go on an all out sloughter fest and proboly fail miserably at killing the 5 other wolfs besides the pack leader. C: Take your chances and leave
Name:Aleksa Wepons:AK-1389 Perk:Born leader Party: one crew member Age:21 Armor:Leather armor Health: 10 Intelegence:5
Off in the distance you see what apears to be a watering hole with a crashed ship. There are no reacources nearby, what do you do?
A: lead your one crew member to the ship. B:Look around more. P.s born leaders get leather armor.
Name: Bicola Rogers Wepons: A ZAT gun Perk: Military Veteran Party: 5 wolfs(just call them wolfs even though they are not) Age: 23 Armor: common t-shirt and pants Health: 10 Intelegence:5
They know beacause they have enough intelegence to know in order to have something to be dead (that they know of) they have to be bleeding or not twitching every 5 seconds. Your stun feature seems to be somewhat defective. the wolfs emediatly see the blood and the leader not moving and they imeditly follow your lead. It also seems to be midday, you cant be sure because its about to rain.
A: Use the crahed ship as temporery shelter B: Find out if the rain is safe C: Go get some food for you and the wolfs.