You or a group of people have crash landed in your space ship. in an amazing stroke of luck, Not only to you servive the crash but you crash on a planet that you can breath on. You must gather what you can from the wreck and maybe somehow somewhere, A old friend may still be alive...
Charecter sheet:
Name: Weponsthink of something futureistic a foot soilder might have) Perk: Party: Age: (Must be at least 16) Armor: (you start off with just a common tshirt and pants unless born leader, then leather armor.) Health: 10 to start out. Intelegence:5 (10 if smart ***)
The perks are:
Happy go lucky, you are a optimistic person and can make a bad situation seem ok. this gives a bonus to party chance.
Military veteran: as a military veteran you are the tank, the ****** of the group. you get bounus for wepon dammage.
Born leader: as a born leader you get better protection and alot of respect. you get bonus for armor and start out with leather instead of common clothes.
MEDIC!: Instead of having a offensive/ defensive trait, you get the coolest of both worlds with your healing powers.
Born survivor: you have more health because of well, your a survivor.
Smart ***: you are almost to intelegent for your own good. +5 more intelegence then you would be without this perk.
Name:Mr Cash Wepons:A plasma Rifle and a Neon Crowbar Perk:MEDIC Party: Age:62 Armor:Common leather Health: 10 Intelegence:30
You wake up the next morning felling a bit dizy, theeres been a leek of a cemacal, it wont kill you but it makes you dizy so you cant read in the ship. As you look around you see the rest of the manual. you build a car and drive off to the ship. (bicola react to that.)