In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.
Name of planet: Name of star: Distance from starclose,near,far) Tempmolten,Frozen\\ Typegas,Rocky) Status of life:none _____________________________________________________________________ Events:
that eill be your template fill in all the blanks every time you post you need your template. you will post your events and i will reply your outcome
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: Not too far, not too close Temp: Molten Type: Rock Atmosphere status: thin carbon monoxide atmosphere Status of life: None
Name of planet: Terrakhinu Name of star: Volcaroon Distance from star: Near Temphumid) Type:rocky Status of life:flyers Oxygen Life2: Swimmers nitrogen (what they breathe) Ocean Status: Vast Oceans Atmosphere Status:Large clouds oxygen\\\\\\\\ itrogen life status: plants Woohoo! I'll be adding more soon.
Name of planet: Terrakhinu Name of star: Volcaroon Distance from star: Near Temphumid) Type:rocky Status of life:flyers Oxygen Life2: Swimmers nitrogen (what they breathe) Ocean Status: Vast Oceans Atmosphere Status:Large clouds oxygen/nitrogen life status: plants What do the lizards eat
Name of planet: Colona Name of star: Orion Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 5 seasons Type:rocky Status of life: Evolved man Atmosphere statusxygen/carbon normal Water status: coral reefs, many fish, large crabs Land status: mountains forest lakes, waterfalls Pop: 408,967,897,987 (Colona) secret governments: 20 colonized/conquered planets/moons: Far away planet Pegasus (different system)[3,586,794,075](stargate active) Colona moon Alpha I (598,877,242) (stargate active) Colona moon Alpha II (867,342,145) (stargate active) sister planet Prometheus (186,867,756,434) (stargate active) countrys:33 work fine together they never fight. Resorce: renewable Religon:100%Science science project: Defence: very heavy
all updates done. now everyone may travel to the systems they choose.
INCOMING TRANSMISSION: -------: you are too late. the fate of the galaxy is sealed. WE...WILL...COME..... END TRANSMISSION:
THAT WAS THE Indictous... the race of super distructive aliens from the andromida gaxixy coming to destroy alll life in all systems...
Name of planet: Distructis Name of star: Gaspian Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 2 seasons Type:METAL Status of life: Evolved Cyborgs Atmosphere status:nitrogen/carbon normal Water status:none any more Land status: Citys Pop: 908,954,347,321,000(Colona) secret governments: NONE colonized/conquered planets/moons: Evo Resorce: renewable Religon:Satinism science project:POP colony.. 3 pages Defence:heavy
e have started and we are comming for YOU bicola...
you puny"star gates" have been demolished in sector 4 through 6.
Name of planet: Alpha Name of star: Gemini Distance from star: 1.4 AU Temp: hot... humid...very humid Type:Rocky Status of life: alegea birds and fish.. Land Status:small islands Atmosphere Status: large clouds Ocean Status: Large Seas you do so ... you gotton hotter
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: Not too far, not too close Temp: Molten Type: Rock Atmosphere status: thin carbon monoxide atmosphere Status of life: None Moon:1
uh... Omni, stargates are very durable, and the only way they can get destroyed is through a big explosion that destroys an area the size of the state of Colorado.
I send 1,000,000 of my troops to those sectors. we are at war. I urge all of the other people in the galaxy to send their troops through the stargate to our off world base. then we will transport them to the battlefield.
Name of planet: Distructis Name of star: Gaspian Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 2 seasons Type:METAL Status of life: Evolved Cyborgs Atmosphere status:nitrogen/carbon normal Water status:none any more Land status: Citys Pop: 908,954,347,321,000(Distuctis) secret governments: NONE colonized/conquered planets/moons: Evo Resorce: renewable Religon:WAR science project:NEW terra forming 10 post science project:atmosphereic artirrily(can launce shells out of cannons into space) 7 post Defence:very heavy ( i have gassed the entire armosphere)
you were right... the star gates were not destroid ... tear so i launch a carbon bomr throught the oneon planet evo ant then HACK IT... with a red portal i can move recorces instantly from my galaxy
Name of planet: Distructis Name of star: Gaspian Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 2 seasons Type:METAL Status of life: Evolved Cyborgs Atmosphere status:nitrogen/carbon normal Water status:none any more Land status: Citys Pop: 908,954,347,321,000(Distuctis) secret governments: NONE colonized/conquered planets/moons: Evo Resorce: repruducibale...(gains more every time) Religon:WAR science project:NEW terra forming 9 post science project:atmosphereic artirrily(can launch shells out of cannons into space) 6 post Defence:extremely heavy ( i have gassed the entire armosphere) ( the idea is that im the big bad guy that will terroize you guys that are thousands of years more advance than you and yall join up and defeat me using team work..and have to think outside the bx to kill me than throw a fleet at me)
Name of planet: Nineveh Name of star: Tipperary Distance from star: Far Temp:Frozen Type: Gas, with a ring inside the outer layer of clouds (this is where life might arise...) Status of life: none did you read about how some life (if is dense enought)can start in the clouds... and if you have very dense clouds you wont need land
Name of planet: Colona Name of star: Orion Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 5 seasons Type:rocky Status of life: Evolved man Atmosphere statusxygen/carbon normal Water status: coral reefs, many fish, large crabs Land status: mountains forest lakes, waterfalls Pop: 408,967,897,987 (Colona) secret governments: 20 colonized/conquered planets/moons: Far away planet Pegasus (different system)[3,586,794,075](stargate active) Colona moon Alpha I (598,877,242) (stargate active) Colona moon Alpha II (867,342,145) (stargate active) sister planet Prometheus (186,867,756,434) (stargate active) countrys:33 work fine together they never fight. Resorce: renewable Religon:100%Science science project: Defence: very heavy
hm... well obviously i'm the big leader, and he can be thousands of years more advanced than others, but only has 5 technologies that are better than mine.
1. can replicate and over run you easily within hours. 2. can enhance the performance of any technology to as much as 200% of the original performance. 3. can terraform into different objects given time (like humans) but takes time. (up to 5 pages). however the original form of these "replicators" is a spider-like form that is as big as a small backpack. they can all combine to form a super replicator, and that can replicate and create more. if there are enough chips they can even create a small planet. 4. can rebuild themselves very fast (up to 3 seconds for a normal sized replicator) and can't be split by any weapons researched so far. they can only be delayed by using conventional weapons. (such as shotguns.) 5. The replicators use a universal Link. They can adapt very VERY quickly to new kinds of technology, resources, weapons used on them, or anything in this link that is a threat or can become a threat to their survival. they are programmed to survive, and since they eat out of raw materials so that they may replicate, they now have come to this system to eat all of our raw material!
here's a tip. every replicator is made of little chips, linked together to form a replicator. using conventional weapons, you can delay them by splitting them temporarily from their primary link, and make them rely on their secondary link. (much slower) But always remember, they can combine to create planets, living beings, and other things, they are essentially robots. they become whatever they eat. if they eat raw iron the become made of raw iron. The will ALWAYS be attracted to the newest most advanced technologies as if it were a bear and honey. so you might be able to trick them like that to buy you some more time.
they're coming. we need to hold our ground. our key scientists are working on a weapon designed to kill them, but they need time. everyone fall back to the home planets, and gather a lethal full force to fend off these foul beings. this will hopefully buy us more time.
*doctor who attitude* allright humid, hot, and did I mention very humid.. Now let's see what we can do. I want to help life. But I need a stable axis first. So let's speed up my velocity and come into orbit near an object the size of Titan. A very large satellite.. Bigger then the planet Meecury back in he Sol system and guess what?? Life can exist now!
Name of planet: Alpha Name of star: Gemini Distance from star: 1.4 AU Temp: hot... humid...very humid Type:Rocky Status of life: alegea birds and fish.. Land Status:small islands Atmosphere Status: large clouds Ocean Status: Large Seas you do so ... you gotton hotter
Whoops,I forgot to Reverse the Polarity of the Nuetron star.. Joking!