This is an RPG based off one of my favorite PC stradegy games, WWI: A Bridge Too Far. This RPG AND the original game was based off real events of after the attack of London.
You wake up at your home, possibly the last you ever will. You've decided to join the army after what happened at London. You go to the post office in you small town of Greenslerg, where the army have a booth setup, accepting forms to join the army. You filled out your form the night before, and here what it says:
Name: Age: Gender: Money: 200⬠Weapons: (see below) Melee: Military Dagger Grenades: Military Grenades Rank: Junior Soldier Status: Healthy Inventory: None ------------------------------------------------------------ Bio: Special Ability: I decide upon bio
WEAPONS These are the different types of weapons you will be given in-game:
Close Combat Weapons: British Lee-Enfield, U.S. Springfield The Standard of weaponry of the time.
Machine Gun Weapons: Vickers Gun, Colt-Browning Gun Machine guns at the time were some of the best guns around, except for a big problem, They. Were. Huge!!!! Heavy and bulky, and hard to reload were it's shortfalls.
Pistols Weapons: Webley Mk IV, Colt 0.45-inch Automatic Light, easy to reload, and can do quick damage, but not very much.
Other classes will be availible once in game, and once of the right rank.
Name: Bicola Rogers Age: 21 Gender: male Money: 200 Weapons: Colt-Browning gun Melee: Military Dagger Grenades: Military Grenades Rank: Junior Soldier Status: Healthy Inventory: None Bio: a very courageous person, who never gives up. he is always persistent, and is sometimes, too persistent. he grew up in Greeslerg. Special Ability: Good at giving orders.
You find out that the germans are beginnning to bomb the town. "Get in the truck, soldier!!!" a guy yelled, next to the truck, then *BOOM!!!* He wasn't there anymore. What do you do?
Name:sepehr bassami Age:23 Gender:male Money: 200 Weapons:U.S. Springfield Melee: Military Dagger Grenades: Military Grenades Rank: Junior Soldier Status: Healthy Inventory: None ------------------------------------------------------------ Bio: Hates the Nazi's very badly Special Ability: Shoots anything Nazi
YOU DONT HAVE YOUR GUN YET!!!!! You'll get it when you reach the army conpound!!!! The truck moves, and you leave the town, followed by another army truck, with it's roof on fire, but the guys in it put it out. What now?
Name: Bicola Rogers Age: 21 Gender: male Money: 200 Weapons: Colt-Browning gun Melee: Military Dagger Grenades: Military Grenades Rank: Junior Soldier Status: Healthy Inventory: None Bio: a very courageous person, who never gives up. he is always persistent, and is sometimes, too persistent. he grew up in Greeslerg. Special Ability: Good at giving orders.
You try to, but all the other new soldiers pull you into the truck, and the truck starts driving. You watch as your town gets destroyed. a turret on top of the truck starts shooting at enemy planes coming after them. You hear a boom and a crash. What do you do?
Name:sepehr bassami Age:23 Gender:male Money: 200 Weapons:U.S. Springfield Melee: Military Dagger Grenades: Military Grenades Rank: Junior Soldier Status: Healthy Inventory: None ------------------------------------------------------------ Bio: Hates the Nazi's very badly Special Ability: Shoots anything Nazi
i try to wait and see what will happen after this and i try to not panic