I'm remaking my old Kingdom of Darkness game, into the new Kingdom of Shadows. Hope you like
You live in Athens, Greece. You are a well-known neighborhood kid, who's walking home after watching the Minotaur Wrestling match. Just as you walk through you house's door, you blacc out, forgetting who you are, where you've been, and what your capable of. 3000 years later, you wake up on a park bench, in New York City. It's an average day in NYC. If you want to quest to find out who you were, and what your capable of, fill out the character sheet below:
Name: (make up one, since you dont know) Age: All you remeber is your age Inventory: Money: $0 Power: (you'll find about it soon ) ------------------------------------------------------------ Intelligence: 1 Strength: 1
Intelligence: The ability to use more powerful stuff with your powers
Strength:The ability to last longer while using powerful attacks.
Last mintue notes before you sign up:
1.You do not know about your powers yet.
2.You start with, well, nothing. No job, no money, no memory of you except you age.
ummm, never mind. You are restocking the shelves when you here screaming outside. You see out of the corner of your eye a large bronze thing hurting at you. What do you do?
Name:Storm Age: 13 Inventory: Money: $0 Power:Matter minuplation ------------------------------------------------------------ Intelligence: 1 Strength: 1 You do so, the man starts moaning. What now?