The point of this game is to Ninjasome onebut we have to start off a random but not offensive conversationso lets talk about... ARMATARS !
pootis pootis pootis pootis pootis pootis pootis
I have seen that whats with the WW3 based games about ?
sitoop sitoop sitoop sitoop sitoop sitoop sitoop
Have you guys notice how Daylin1 just spammed just about every active thread with his advertisement?
yo dog, you might wanna try oh i don't know... NOT SPAMMING!!! *takes out skyward dragon, clock level 4* or would you rather die?
(very evil growl)(eyes suddenly turn PURE RED!)(slashes daylin1)(the slash marks burn a searing orange with plasma)
1. ima drago not a dog dragons are much higher beings2. I'm sorry I didn't know what to put...
points: daylin:2 bicola1:4 sonicheroes95:1 Zyba:1 Spartandestroyer:1
no offense but its really hard to ninja someone
check the first post if this topic is boring talk about other stuff
Daylin1 quadruple posted. Also, about armatars, I'm planning on sticking with the gecko armatar until I find something better.
I just changed mine to the King one.
I like my armatar, because im one of the few people that use it. I actully havent ever seen anyone use it.
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