You all have(or possibly havent) played the 007 games, or watched the movies. You see his awsome missions and the evil corperations. Now you have a chance to be just as awsome as him, being a 00 agent for MI6(warning, not M16, the secand letter is a I, not a one, sooo..its not named after the gun) Fill out this sheet, and you will be briefed on your mission. Also, your a rookie/newb/newbie/noob to the 00 agent bussiness, so yeah.
Name: (first and last) Designation: 00(put a number after that that is ethier 1,2,3,4,5,8, or 9) Descreption: (what you look like, clothes not included) Equipment: (everything but weapons and your gadgets, dont fill in) Gadgets: (All your awsome gadgets that you recive, dont fill in) Weapons: (dont fill in, its self explanitory) Mission: None
Please join. 5 player limit, although i doubt ill get 5 players.
Name: Blonde Jameson Designation: 008 Descreption: I'm blonde and handsome(with a striking resemblance to James Bond) Equipment: Gaurd dsiguise, hikeing gear Gadgets: Laser watch Weapons: P99(scilenced), Tranquilizer dart gun Mission: None
You do so. The elevator can go down into the main area inside the mountian, or you can go up a floor to the helipad near the peak. The helipad is where the helicopter lifted off from, but thats the only helicopter. The floors for the elevator are: Lobby(where you are), helipad, storage, main level, lab(requires key card), and project(requires key card).
Name: Blonde Jameson Designation: 008 Description: I'm blonde and handsome(with a striking resemblance to James Bond) Equipment: Guard disguise, hiking gear Gadgets: Laser watch Weapons: P99(silenced), Tranquilizer dart gun Mission: None
Inside storage, it appears to be a giant warehouse. It is completely empty, but there is a door on the side that says "Armory" and one next to it that says "Security" Some one else comes to this floor, glances at you and says "Halt! Show your identifaction!" he then trys to run, but falls and trips onto the ground. What do you do? (IE: Hide in the armory while he is down, or hide in the security room)
Name: Blonde Jameson Designation: 008 Description: I'm blonde and handsome(with a striking resemblance to James Bond) Equipment: Guard disguise, hiking gear Gadgets: Laser watch Weapons: P99(silenced), Tranquilizer dart gun Mission: None
You walk in, and there is a security camera showing around the facillity. Nothing to intresting other then one camera shows a cell with a person tied up in it, being interrogated. There are also 3 controls for: Deactivate cameras, Deactivate lasers, Deactivate alarm(requires key). Deactivating the lasers or the cameras will set the alarm off.