ForumsForum GamesPlanets of Heros

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You wake up. You take a look outside, get out of bed and go to the door. On the floor, you see a letter. There is no name or adress on the letter, only a single message.

You have been chosen.

You show the message to the smartest person you know, and they tell you that people around the galaxy have been receiving these mysterious messages. The person then gives you a small damaged starship to travel around the galaxy and gives you a location to visit. The person then tells you that there will be the start of your quest. Are you ready?

Character info
Fill in the spaces that are left blank. I will assign the rest.
Description (and I mean information like Evil, Friendly, Hot-headed etc):
Home planet: I will assign based on description
Level: 1
Attributes (15 points to spend. Each attribute is increased each level.)
Strength (melee damage):
Defense (Dampens damage taken):
Agility (Chance of you avoiding an attack):
Intelligence (damage from skills):
Planets available to travel to: Unlock through the game
Move set: You start with 5 moves that I assign and unlock more through the game.
Skills: special attacks/ abilities that I assign. You start with 2 and unlock more through the game.

You start with 2 planets available to travel to. Your home planet and the planet that the person said to travel to. To travel to a different planet, say "travel to _______". Sometimes you cannot travel to a planet, e.g when battling or when you have to find an exit out of some sort of problem. So, are you ready to start Planets of Heros?

  • 184 Replies
5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Description shy, friendly, quiet, different
Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet)
Level: 4
Strength: 2
Defense: 4
Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet)
Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Cancel (Cancels out a single move made by the enemy)
Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy)
Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)

blue wings
Mist Master

Name: blue wings
Battle element: Water
Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-7 I-11
HP: 44/90
SP: 15/55
Move set:
Water beam (Med-Sin): free
Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free
Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp
Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp
Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp
Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free
Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All
Cancel (Cancels out a move): 20sp
Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy
Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.

[wow i have to start paying attention to that].

water regeneration

1,242 posts

Name: blue wings
Description shy, friendly, quiet, different
Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet)
Level: 4
Strength: 2
Defense: 4
Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet)
Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Cancel (Cancels out a single move made by the enemy)
Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy)
Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)

blue wings
Mist Master

Name: blue wings
Battle element: Water
Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-7 I-11
HP: 33/90
SP: 25/55
Move set:
Water beam (Med-Sin): free
Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free
Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp
Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp
Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp
Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free
Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All
Cancel (Cancels out a move): 20sp
Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy
Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.

You use Water Regen! +10 SP! The Mist Master uses Slash! -11 HP!

5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Description shy, friendly, quiet, different
Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet)
Level: 4
Strength: 2
Defense: 4
Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet)
Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Cancel (Cancels out a single move made by the enemy)
Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy)
Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)

blue wings
Mist Master

Name: blue wings
Battle element: Water
Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-7 I-11
HP: 33/90
SP: 25/55
Move set:
Water beam (Med-Sin): free
Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free
Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp
Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp
Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp
Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free
Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All
Cancel (Cancels out a move): 20sp
Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy
Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.


1,242 posts

Name: blue wings
Description shy, friendly, quiet, different
Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet)
Level: 4
Strength: 2
Defense: 4
Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet)
Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Cancel (Cancels out a single move made by the enemy)
Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy)
Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)

blue wings
Mist Master

Name: blue wings
Battle element: Water
Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-7 I-11
HP: 22/90
SP: 5/55
Move set:
Water beam (Med-Sin): free
Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free
Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp
Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp
Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp
Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free
Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All
Cancel (Cancels out a move): 20sp
Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy
Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.

You use Evaporate! You do 25 damage! The Mist Master Slashes with his claws! -11 HP!

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