ForumsForum GamesPitfall - Trap Game!

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243 posts

Rules - You start at a top of a tower and you're working your way down. Each post, you go down 1 level and the thread owner will then post the traps on that level. You can opt out and cheat -20 points (you start with 100 and gain more for each pitfall past, which is a checkpoint, the next floor. You take the number, say, floor 3, and square it = 9.) so you go to the next floor, or you can pass the traps, by telling the way you pass them. However, it is not allowed if you use weapons unless they are purchased by using points in an upgrade (say, you purchase a sword, it has 10 uses, you can only use it 10 times before it breaks, like in Minecraft.) There are no guns, except Naval Revolvers - purchased for 10,000 points. Very hard. And the last levels from 25 on to 45, you cannot opt out unless you have 1000 points and it costs 100.

Spacedingo (Tower Owner) ;

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