1. I rate myself starting off the rating ( i give myself a 10 out of 10 it is required among the game's standard rules to any thread starter who starts the game. ) 2. The below person rates my rating. 3. The person below the below person rates the below person's rating (in this case, the below person becomes the top. Example: [me] 10/10 [2nd poster] <rating> [3rd poster] <rating of above rater's rating> ) However, to remain friendly, 2 out of 10 is the lowest. So..
The previous mods gave y'all a chance with this one for thousands of pages. But since the spamming of rates were out of control (and the messages were effortless at best), the thread was locked. What makes you think this is any better? There is bumping involved, which is a general taboo around here, but what really flares my giant nostrils is the lack of effort towards the ratings.
I remember back in the good days of RtU'sF where the user's were mostly graded by their qualities, not...the smallest action that they...just performed minutes...ago...