This game is like the story game but has its flaws..
In this game you are supposed to make a movie out of sentences...Just like writing a book...
Also Un-Like other story games in this one I will decide what kind of Movie it is and other...
I will be posting a sheet time from time which is like the credits after a movie...Who made it,What kind was it,Who acted in it and the rating...
This is that sheet:
Movie Name:??? Type:??? Creators:??? Actors:??? Side-Actors:??? Rating:???
The Movie name must be decided by players...The type I decide... The creators are you but the actors are the people you put in the movie...Side-actors are actors but they do not have the main part but a side part... And the rating...Well I decide the rate...The rate starts from 1 Star and as the movie gets longer and more interesting it will get a better rating....
In each Movie there can be a max of 5 People or 5 Creators... There can be a max of 5 Actors and as many side-actors...
Also if the movie is Comedy please let the movie have something funny...The more funny the better rating...If an Action movie... Well...The more action the better... But if it is a Comedy/Romantic lets say...Then there can be some funny parts and some romantic parts but keep it balanced...This means there should be an equal amount of funny and romantic scenes..
Each Movie must be long at least 4 Pages...If the movie is on page 4 or more then the movie can slowly start to end but it must be agreed by the players... But to get at least a 5 Ranking it must pass page 6!!! But that is if the story is interesting and long...
Once at least 3 creators or players enter the game can start... But as I said the max is 5 creators...
Once the 3 creators enter I will start the Game!!
Make the Movie long but Interesting at the same time... Pay attention to the Type...If it is a Comedy it can have some action but do not put a lot of action as it would then be a Comedy/Action Movie... Have good actors in the movie with diffrent personalitys so that each actor would be a bit special then the others... Have some Dialouge in the movie too so it would be more Interesting
Each Creator can write up to 5 Lines...Then once submitted the other player may continue...Also please reduce Ninja'ing to a Minimum so there would not be a lot of fighting who does what...
Ok, I'm kinda confused on what to do, but I'll give it a shot. A movie called Week in the darkness. About a family that goes to the hotel, but the guests start disappearing. They then come back one by one as demons, or possessed by a spirit. For actors, do we hire actual actors or players?
The Point is to work with the other creators to make a Movie...
Decide the Name...The Name of the Actors(Just make a Name Up)..I will put in the side-Actors!
It goes like this...
You:The Name should be...Haunted Hotel Or something??? Others:Sure You:What should it be about Others:Well...A hotel that has some Paranormal activity maybe?? You:Yeah...Sure -After some Talking- You:Now that we are done what will happen lets choose the Names for the actors...There should be 3 of them...All roomates... Others:Maybe 4 Of Them...Would be a bit better with more people.. You:Sure! You:Let there be 2 girls and 2 Men...The Men should be called Daniel Smith and Henry Richmon?? Others:What about Daniel White?? You:Thats fine too..
And on and on...
Then once you guys are finished doing the planning and stuff just tell me you guys did the planning.. Then do the Dialouge...Like:
-A random City Appears- Actor 1:Finally..Were here! Actor 2:Yeah...We should find ourselves a Hotel...I heard there is a 4 Star Hotel nearby! Actor 3 and 4:Sounds GREAT!
And on and on.. But there shoulden't be only Talking..Maybe some sound like
-Bird Chirping-
-A Random Rooster is waking everybody Up -_- -
And then some side-actors come in like a Maid or a Shopping clerk..
Movie Name: The 35th floor. Type:Horror Creators:rivercrab01,JalapenoFez and Riptozoid101. Actors: 1)Jonathan (Main Character, Male. Black short hair, age 32) 2)Samantha (2nd Main Character, Female. Blonde long hair, age 30) 3)Josh (3rd Main, Male, chubby, brown short hair, age 32) Side-Actors: 1)Main Office guy (No emotions, still, very quick and quiet) 2)Janitor (Constantly goes by, very loud, goes missing.) 3)Old Lady (Outside from the window, always stares at their window) Rating:1 Star
I might as well make the title and such? Good enough?
i want to be in jalapenofez pleass i am good creator
Movie Name: The 35th floor. Type:Horror Creators:rivercrab01,JalapenoFez and Riptozoid101.amorboy Actors: 1)Jonathan (Main Character, Male. Black short hair, age 32) 2)Samantha (2nd Main Character, Female. Blonde long hair, age 30) 3)Josh (3rd Main, Male, chubby, brown short hair, age 32) 4)jack(4th main,male,white,black hair,age 21 5)sarah(5th main,female,white,yellow hair,age:19 Side-Actors: 1)Main Office guy (No emotions, still, very quick and quiet) 2)Janitor (Constantly goes by, very loud, goes missing.) 3)Old Lady (Outside from the window, always stares at their window) 4)creepy guy(very wierd he is is he risponsibble for all the happenings ?) 5)good guy(he is a good guy but no one knows him a lot why is that ?) Rating:1 Star
and we need 5 actors five side actors so i added two ok ??
and should it start like this ???
Jonathan:ah here it is the nice and loveable hotel that we were waiting for
jack:that taked a while we were like 5 hours in the way till we arrived in this freaky place !!i hate outdoors !
sarah:shut up dont you like the fresh air and old smell of this place and i rather to sleep in a tent til a 40th floor hotel
josh:both of you quiet i am trying to drive here !!
Movie Name: The 35th floor. Type:Horror Creators:JalapenoFez and amorboy Actors: 1)Jonathan (Main Character, Male. Black short hair, age 32) 2)Samantha (2nd Main Character, Female. Blonde long hair, age 30) 3)Josh (3rd Main, Male, chubby, brown short hair, age 32) 4)Jack(4th main,male,white,black hair,age 21 5)Sarah(5th main,female,white,yellow hair,age:19 Side-Actors: 1)Main Office guy (No emotions, still, very quick and quiet) 2)Janitor (Constantly goes by, very loud, goes missing.) 3)Old Lady (Outside from the window, always stares at their window) 4)Police Officer (Only one who comes to the scene, they assume its a prank so this is the only guy who goes. Always thinks nothing is happening until he gets murdered) 5)Neighbor (Fairly old man, looks a bit disfigured, the only residence on the floor) Rating:1 Star
Oh ya its fine, i usually take loads of time into detail when it comes to stories so do you mind if i make the introduction? I changed a few things. There should be no extra 'hero' like character. Just leave it to the main cast to solve the problems and puzzles.
Movie Name: The 35th floor. Type:Horror Creators:JalapenoFez and amorboy Actors: 1)Jonathan (Main Character, Male. Black short hair, age 32) 2)Samantha (2nd Main Character, Female. Blonde long hair, age 30) 3)Josh (3rd Main, Male, chubby, brown short hair, age 32) 4)Jack(4th main,male,white,black hair,age 21 5)Sarah(5th main,female,white,yellow hair,age:19 Side-Actors: 1)Main Office guy (No emotions, still, very quick and quiet) 2)Janitor (Constantly goes by, very loud, goes missing.) 3)Old Lady (Outside from the window, always stares at their window) 4)Police Officer (Only one who comes to the scene, they assume its a prank so this is the only guy who goes. Always thinks nothing is happening until he gets murdered) 5)Neighbor (Fairly old man, looks a bit disfigured, the only residence on the floor) Rating:1 Star
yes nice idea and start the begining how ever you want cause you say you better i start after you did your work nice job on the side actors !
Movie Name: The 35th floor. Type:Horror Creators:JalapenoFez and amorboy Actors: 1)Jonathan (Main Character, Male. Black short hair, age 32) 2)Samantha (2nd Main Character, Female. Blonde long hair, age 30) 3)Josh (3rd Main, Male, chubby, brown short hair, age 32) 4)Jack(4th main,male,white,black hair,age 21 5)Sarah(5th main,female,white,yellow hair,age:19 Side-Actors: 1)Main Office guy (No emotions, still, very quick and quiet) 2)Janitor (Constantly goes by, very loud, goes missing.) 3)Old Lady (Outside from the window, always stares at their window) 4)Police Officer (Only one who comes to the scene, they assume its a prank so this is the only guy who goes. Always thinks nothing is happening until he gets murdered) 5)Neighbor (Fairly old man, looks a bit disfigured, the only residence on the floor) Rating:1 Star
So in the film people are going missing. Then what? should we add demons or something? Maybe, 1 by 1 the main characters start going insane or getting possessed?
Sorry forgot to respond to this thread xD moves fast Movie Name: The 35th floor. Type:Horror Creators:JalapenoFez,amorboy,Riptizoid Actors: 1)Jonathan (Main Character, Male. Black short hair, age 32) 2)Samantha (2nd Main Character, Female. Blonde long hair, age 30) 3)Josh (3rd Main, Male, chubby, brown short hair, age 32) 4)Jack(4th main,male,white,black hair,age 21 5)Sarah(5th main,female,white,yellow hair,age:19 Side-Actors: 1)Main Office guy (No emotions, still, very quick and quiet) 2)Janitor (Constantly goes by, very loud, goes missing.) 3)Old Lady (Outside from the window, always stares at their window) 4)Police Officer (Only one who comes to the scene, they assume its a prank so this is the only guy who goes. Always thinks nothing is happening until he gets murdered) 5)Neighbor (Fairly old man, looks a bit disfigured, the only residence on the floor) Rating:1 Star
Maybe the 35th floor is all about a ghost? But not any ghost, a ghost that when he lived had kill Sam's father so when she finds out it was him she is out for revenge but the rest all want to escape