2013 Year. Mafia is everywhere. So USA make special group of cops- MK( Mafia Killers). First chalenge for MK is to kill the boss of Mafia in Tokio, Yamashi Tigimato.
You need to create character Name: John Simons Side: Mafia(Two sides:Mafia and Cops) Age: 32 Biography: John is the son of comisar MK. But he hates his father and want to kill him. Appearance; dark hair, white skin, blue eyes, slim, black T-shirt and red jeans with dark boots Weapon: 9mm pistol and knife Wife:No Girlfriend:No Home:Long Street 45,Room 125 Characteristics: Friendly, sometimes angry, bossy
Name: Stavi Gerini Side: Mafia Age: 28 Biography: Stavi was born into a long line of the Sicilian Mafia. Now it is his turn to make his family name. His father was Alonzo Gerini who was the leader of a popular gang that got disbanded after another gang blew up it's headquarters, killing all of Gerini's high executives. Appearance; Green Hair, 6' 2", Medium Build, Grandpa's WWII Jacket, Black Jeans, Plaid Button-Up Shirt, Boots Weapon: M9 Pistol and KA-BAR Combat Knife Wife:No Girlfriend:No Home: 864 Walton Street, Apartment 103 Characteristics: Easy Going, Good at Planning, Violent, Aggressive when mad