This thread will be used to handle court cases, starting with the one mentioned here.Court Case 1: spartandestroyer v. Medieval PoliceProsecution: Medieval Police (plaintiff)Defense: spartandestroyer (defendant)You may either side with the prosecution or defense. To start, the judge says this:spartandestroyer, there was a report that you decided to help some evil knights. How do you plead to a charge of treason?
Lets rips his armor apart and spread it across the world!
I will defend.
There is no such thing as invincibility. Therefore, go back to the original thread and complete the new objective there. There might be another court case, so this thread should remain unlocked.
Oh nvm it ended...didn't see that...
The Nman, join in on one dentence story and join in on the court as a witness for crimes!
OBJECTION! wait am i too late? T.T i wanted to be the pheonix wright in this game
Yup too late we already put him in the guitine!
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