This is a bit like those Castle Empire games, except this is of the media, such as newpapers, TV, the World Wide Web, etc. It is your job to become the head honcho of all media. Below is the beginning of your empire:
Company Name: Company Staff: 50 Money: $1000 ------------------------- Company Pacts: None Debt: $0 Money Income: $200 ------------------------- Company Media: Newspaper Company Floors: 5 Staff Occupations: CEO (you): 1 Printers: 20 Reporters: 8 Editors: 1 Interns: 10 Executives: 10 -------------------------- Researching: Nothing Job Applications: None Events: __________________________ Your company has been created
You are now the CEO of the beginning of your Media Empire, whats your first action?
Company Name: GameChannel Company Staff: 50 Money: $850 ------------------------- Company Pacts: None Debt: $0 Money Income: $200 ------------------------- Company Media: Newspaper Company Floors: 5 Staff Occupations: CEO (you): 1 Printers: 20 Reporters: 8 Editors: 1 Interns: 10 Executives: 10 -------------------------- Researching: Nothing Job Applications: None Under Construction: 2 TV antennas (2 more posts), for hire sign (1 more post) Events: for hire sign under construction
Company Name: GameChannel Company Staff: 50 Money: $850 ------------------------- Company Pacts: None Debt: $0 Money Income: $200 ------------------------- Company Media: Newspaper Company Floors: 5 Staff Occupations: CEO (you): 1 Printers: 20 Reporters: 8 Editors: 1 Interns: 10 Executives: 10 -------------------------- Researching: Nothing Job Applications: None Under Construction: 2 TV antennas (2 more posts), for hire sign (1 more post) Events: for hire sign under construction
Give My Editor a bonus and post on numerous places on the internet that i need a website designer
Company Name: GameChannel Company Staff: 50 Money: $850 ------------------------- Company Pacts: None Debt: $0 Money Income: $200 ------------------------- Company Media: Newspaper Company Floors: 5 Staff Occupations: CEO (you): 1 Printers: 20 Reporters: 8 Editors: 1 Interns: 10 Executives: 10 -------------------------- Researching: Nothing Job Applications: 2 applications Under Construction: 2 TV antennas (2 more posts) Events: For hire sign built
must have at least one internet anntena to upload thing onto internet
Company Name: GameChannel Company Staff: 50 Money: $1050 ------------------------- Company Pacts: None Debt: $0 Money Income: $200 ------------------------- Company Media: Newspaper Company Floors: 5 Staff Occupations: CEO (you): 1 Printers: 20 Reporters: 8 Editors: 1 Interns: 10 Executives: 10 -------------------------- Researching: Nothing Job Applications: 2 applications Under Construction: 2 TV antennas (1 more posts) Events:
You do so, and the manager of the Starbucks reconizes you, and asks if you and the small Starbucks can form a pact for the Wifi as well as help promote the buisness
(you can use there wifi, free of charge, as long as you promote the buisness, Deal or No Deal?)