ok, so this is basically the same thing as get to the top of the building, but this time you need to get down the building! there is no sheet, and I will run the game, unless I appoint someone else. the goal of the game is to get to the ground floor, and GET OUT OF THE BUILDING!
and the first building:
Tower Bicola floors: 50 Transportation: stairs, from floor 50 to floor 40 in jail: no one dead: no one Specials: none
Specials are things like: weapons of any kind, that are ready to shoot shops or anything else that is "special", is in that group.
Bicola's push button office floors: 120 stuck:sonic, spartan in jail:none dead: godandd Transportation:elevator from level 50 to level 1 Shape: modern, curved. the lower levels you get, the bigger the rooms get, its sort of like a bent cone. Specials: no nearby buildings! concrete windows on floors 50 to 1 spartandestroyer: floor 109 eclipse: floor 50 sonicheroes: floor 1 godandd: floor 1 Everyone else: floor 120
WHOA WHOA WHAO GUYS!!!! you both have to..FIGHT! none of you have any gadgets, its whoever can punch the other one out!
and sonic, the rule on stuck is until next pg, like death, and injury, and jail. BTW jail is for people who dont follow the rules. i was about to throw godandd in jail for spamming, but i decided against it.
Bicola's push button office floors: 120 stuck:none in jail:none dead: none Transportation:elevator from level 50 to level 1 Shape: modern, curved. the lower levels you get, the bigger the rooms get, its sort of like a bent cone. Specials: no nearby buildings! concrete windows on floors 50 to 1 spartandestroyer: floor 100 eclipse: floor 50 sonicheroes: floor 1 godandd: floor 1 Everyone else: floor 120
SONICHEROES59: HP 115 -15!!! from punch! 100 ATTACK 10
Bicola's push button office floors: 120 stuck:none in jail:none dead: none Transportation:elevator from level 50 to level 1 Shape: modern, curved. the lower levels you get, the bigger the rooms get, its sort of like a bent cone. Specials: no nearby buildings! concrete windows on floors 50 to 1 spartandestroyer: floor 100 eclipse: floor 50 sonicheroes: floor 1 godandd: floor 1 Everyone else: floor 120
GODANDD: HP 100 -30 from kun-fu-attack! 70! ATTACK 15
Bicola's push button office floors: 115 stuck:none in jail:none dead: none Transportation:[s]elevator from level 50 to level 1[/s] elivator broken! Shape: modern, curved. the lower levels you get, the bigger the rooms get, its sort of like a bent cone. Specials: no nearby buildings! concrete windows on floors 50 to 1 spartandestroyer: floor 90 eclipse: floor 50 sonicheroes: floor 1 godandd: floor 1 Everyone else: floor 115