One Solar System. 8 Planets. Planetary War. *dramatic Music* Choose Your Planet Or Moon. Colinize. Colonize Other Planets. Destroy Entire Fleets Of Ships. Beam a laser down at an indian tribe. *dramatic music ends* *happy music plays* Nurture your planet and have civilizations rise. there may be some war on your planet, but... WHO CARES! Enter the space age, send out probes! Enter the 2100 Age, send a family into space for 1000 dollars! Enter Year 9001, Invent HyperDrive!
But the most depressing,
You start out as bacteria. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!
Planets&Moons. (listed as biggest to smallest.)(Names next to planet means moons. * means possible to terraform.
[Jupiter- gas gaint]=Ganymede*][Callisto][Io*][Europa*] [Saturn- Gg]=[Titan*][Mimas][Dione][Enchalaudus*] [Neptune-Gd]=[Triton][Proteus][Nereid*] [Uranus-Gas Dwarf]=[Titania*][Oberon][Ariel][Umbreon] [Earth*]=[Moon] [Venus*] [Mars]=[Phobos*][Deimos] [Mercury] [Niburu]=[IM JUST KIDDING XD!!!!!]
Choose One Of The Above. The bigger the planet(or moon), the bigger the population limit.
the planets all start out as a peice of magma rock. you must terraform it in your own way.
Sheet time!
Planet/Moon: Civilization Name: Population: Class: 0 (a bit of carbon here and there.. and thats it!) ------------- Conquered Planets: (input planet that you chose here) ------------- Atmosphere: 100% nothing ------------- Characteristics: -100% Lava -0% Water -0% Methane -0% land -0% colonized -------------
Planet/Moon:Phobos Civilization Name: Population:0 Class: 0 (a bit of carbon here and there.. and thats it!) ------------- Conquered Planets: (input planet that you chose here) ------------- Atmosphere: 100% nothing ------------- Characteristics: -100% Lava -0% Water -0% Methane -0% land -0% colonized -------------
Planet/Moon:Phobos Civilization Name: Population:0 Class: 0 (a bit of carbon here and there.. and thats it!) ------------- Conquered Planets: (input planet that you chose here) ------------- Atmosphere: 100% nothing ------------- Characteristics: -100% Lava -0% Water -0% Methane -0% land -0% colonized -------------
Planet/Mooneimos Civilization Name: Population:0 Class: 0 (a bit of carbon here and there.. and thats it!) ------------- Conquered Planets: (input planet that you chose here) ------------- Atmosphere: 100% nothing ------------- Characteristics: -100% Lava -0% Water -0% Methane -0% land -0% colonized -------------
If this is good i make a methane and nitrogen atmosphere =3
Planet/Moon:Umbreon(better?!) Civilization Name: Population:0 Class: 0 (a bit of carbon here and there.. and thats it!) ------------- Conquered Planets: (input planet that you chose here) ------------- Atmosphere: 100% nothing ------------- Characteristics: -100% Lava -0% Water -0% Methane -0% land -0% colonized -------------
Planet/Moon:Calisto Civilization Name: Population:0 Class: 0 (a bit of carbon here and there.. and thats it!) ------------- Conquered Planets: (input planet that you chose here) ------------- Atmosphere: 100% nothing ------------- Characteristics: -100% Lava -0% Water -0% Methane -0% land -0% colonized -------------
Planet/Moon:Mars Civilization Name:Martians Population:0 Class: 0 (a bit of carbon here and there.. and thats it!) ------------- Conquered Planets: -Mars ------------- Atmosphere: 100% nothing ------------- Characteristics: -100% Lava -0% Water -0% Methane -0% land -0% colonized -------------
i want to Join!
For my First action I add Add an Atmoshpere with 21% Oxygen,78$ Nitrogen and 1% Of other gases...