ForumsForum Games[RPG] Rebolt [Fiction][8+]

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During the Lead up to the 2012 Summer Olympics, a series of major protests took place in the Chinese region of Tibet, formerly an independent nation. China was hit badly by the image, but when a Chinese submarine suffered an underwater explosion in the Straits of Taiwan on the 25th July, everything went wrong. The United States declared war on China when the Chinese invaded Taiwan, also known as Republic of China.
China tried to annex Taiwan but it was no use.
After the United States heard the declaration, it packed up its weapons and head to war. The military usually stayed in it Pacific territories because China might invade it. Others stay in Alaska and mainland US. China called for its allies, like Vietnam. The US allies already knew it, so NATO, EU, Southeast Asia (except Vietnam), and the Philippines aided the US. A chaotic battle occurred. Just when China declared war on Russia for killing innocent people in Mongolia and Northern China. Nuclear weapons were going to be used in the future. Everyone prepared for this to happen, when they still remembered about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War 2.
Taking advantage of the conflict, Pakistan and China launched a joint Nuclear strike upon India, which retaliated on Pakistan, all but annihilating the Country. Iran revealed its own nuclear arsenal, destroying the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, which generated a devastating response from Israel.

Just then, nuclear bombs were all over the world. Every country was devastated, but some of them managed to survive.

Welcome To Rebolt, Part One

You are a survivor of WWIII and your name is ______ you lived in ______,________ before SHTF and you are a ______.

Welcome, to the ruins of North America.

And You Are In A Nuclear Winter.

Earth: 2020
Adverege Temp: -30f to 57f
Highest and lowest: -89f and 81f

Travel to china or rob a bank for paper... the possibilites are endless.

Starting Locations:

Providence, Rhode Island Mildly Bombed, Lots Of Raiders [Easy]
San Luis Obispo, California Very Cold, Little Radiation, Lots OF Raiders. [Normal]
Boston, Masitchutets [Super Cold] [Little Food] [Heavy Radiation] [Very Hard]

Team up to survive.


Backpack: 0/30 lb
(Pick 5 Things to start with)
- (enter your name)
Location: (one of the three locations.)
Motor Things: None
Primary- (pick a thing that you own in real life)
Secondary- (pick a thing that you own in real life)

Let The first Nuclear Games Begin!

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