This is an elite commando team simulator rpg. When a group is formed, I start them off in a scenario of *MY* choice. From then on, a send challenges at them, head on. Team members can pick their weapons, and if it passes my censorship, aka isn't over-powered, they can use it. They also get to choose their armour, from a wide selection of *their* choice. Again, nothing over-powered. Not until later on do you get to pick stuff like plated armor. At some point I will allow other people to join the team. After a certain point, I'll start allowing stuff like ray guns, and plasma armour. To be continued....
This is one shot one kill, so it might be challenging to bigginers. But if you're used to this kind of stuff, it should be easy. If you are minorly wounded, you *can* be bandaged. As soon as a team is formed, and everyone is agreed on it, I'll start them off.