You want to start up a rock band. Not a rap band or pop band a rock band. You need to find people, get a band name, book gigs, play songs, and possibly make songs. Are you ready to go all the way to Rock Star popularity?
Name: Nickname Age: Gender: Physical Description: Bio: Clothes: Instrumentrums, vocals, guitar, bass (You can combine bass and vocal and guitar and vocals) Equipment: Has to be approved ------------------------- Band Name:None Genre: Do not put: Rap, pop, hip hop, country or anything tat doesn't have the instruments listed above. Bandmates: None Merch:None Sponsors:None
Name: Nickname Age: Gender: Physical Description: Bio: GF: None Clothes: Instrumentrums, vocals, guitar, bass (You can combine bass and vocal and guitar and vocals) Equipment: Has to be approved ------------------------- Band Name:None Genre: Do not put: Rap, pop, hip hop, country or anything tat doesn't have the instruments listed above. Bandmates: None Merch:None Sponsors:None Fans: 0
Just added a few things probably will add a few more.
Name: Jason Hall Nickname: The Stunner Age: 24 Gender: Male Physical Description: Normal curly hair, short beard, white skin color. Bio: Wanted to be a rock star since he was a child, the first toy his parents bought was an electric toy guitar. Since then, he likes to rock! GF: None Clothes: Dark Green t-shirt, Camo Pants Instrument: Vocals and Guitar Equipment: ???????? ---------------------- Band Name: Reality Genre: Hard Rock Banmates: None Merch: None Sponsors: None Fans: 0
What to put in Equipment, besides that is this good?
Name: Jason Hall Nickname: The Stunner Age: 24 Gender: Male Physical Description: Normal curly hair, short beard, white skin color. Bio: Wanted to be a rock star since he was a child, the first toy his parents bought was an electric toy guitar. Since then, he likes to rock! GF: None Clothes: Dark Green t-shirt, Camo Pants Instrument: Vocals and Guitar Equipment: ???????? ---------------------- Band Name: None Genre: Hard Rock Banmates: None Merch: None Sponsors: None Fans: 0
You put like how many amps and what guitar brand it is like Les Paul or Gibson or Ibanez. Also you don't have a band name cause you don't have a band yet.