There are 3 Factions trying to take over the world- The S.O.H(Survival of Humans) The Robots And The Aliens
There will be 3 players 1 will lead each Fraction to lead to world domination! You decide what your fraction does(i decide if i works)
S.O.H- A group of human survivors hoping to reclaim earth Pro-Faster Build and Faster Research Cons-Weaker Soldiers and Units get tired
Robots- Robots that revolted against the humans Pros-Faster Unit Building and A lot more powerful Cons-No Research allowed(because robots cant think) and Slower Units
Aliens- Aliens that came to take over earth Pros-Faster Unit making and Faster Research Cons-More Revolts(No one works) and More Worker Breaks(Work is decreased)
Battle Field-Ruined Earth
Earth Stats- Temperature-Dry Life-Not Much Water Level-Low Player Sheet-
Race-Aliens,S.O.H,or Robots(each of the 3 players chose a different one) ------------------------------------- Buildings-10 Homes,1 Stone Mine,1 Gold Mine,1 Lumber Camp,1 Metal Mine Workers(Depends on Race)-8 Humans,8 Robots,or 8 Aliens(2 workers per mine or camp) ------------------- Supplies: Lumber:100+10 Stone:100+10 Gold:100+20 Metal:100+10 -------------- Army: None ------------------- World Domination Status- S.O.H-10% Robots-10% Aliens-10% Not Owned-70% ----------------------- Research- None ------------------------------- City Stats- Population-50 Working-8 Soldiers-None Tax Rate- 10 gold per post ----------------------------------